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"Ok baby, deep breaths for me," Jimin whispered, trying to hide the panic in his voice. You squeezed his hand as you fought the urge to push. 

"I need to push, please Jimin," you moaned. The midwife walked over and smiled lightly at you.

"Are you comfortable in this position?" The midwife asked. You nodded as Jimin pulled you up so you weren't slipping completely into the water and grabbed your hand tightly. 

"Listen to your body honey, when you feel the need to push don't wait just go for it." She explained. You could feel the next contraction growing, your little girl moving downwards slowly and you pushed down. 

"Aish, it's hurts," you whimpered. Jimin kissed your forehead as you turned around so you were on your knees and hiding your face in his chest, gripping his shoulders. 

"Another big push Y/N, you're going really good," the midwife encouraged. You pushed again, biting your lip as your felt your body stretching around the baby's head. 

"Holy shit." You gasp, Jimin chuckled at your choice of words and rubbed circles on your lower back, pressing kisses on top your head.

"Little pushes Y/N, the head is almost out," she said. You pushed, digging your nails into Jimin's shoulders. 

"You're incredible baby, just a little bit more," he whispered against your cheek. You panted through another few pushes and gasped as the pressure increased before it all faded. The baby carefully slide into the midwife's hands and she brought her through your legs to the surface of the water. You let go of Jimin's shoulders and spun around so your back was against Jimin's chest and the midwife placed your babygirl onto your chest.

"Oh my," you panted, both in surprise and trying to catch your breath. Suddenly a loud cry filled the room. "Our little girl" you whispered, tears filling your eyes. 

Jimin smiled tearfully, sniffling and leaned closer to you,to get a better look at his little girl. You ran your hand gently over her head, 

"Chim, she's gorgeous, she looks a lot like you" you whispered, looking up at Jimin. 

"I'm so so proud of you," he kissed your forehead and wiped your damp cheeks, "She's prefect." He ran his finger over the little girl's arm, stopping at her tiny fingers. He gasped when she grabbed on tightly. 

"I can't believe she's here, best birthday gift ever." Jimin smiled, "Hey Park Eun Ae, I'm your appa."


Eun Ae meaning: Grace with Love

Park Eun Ae 

13th October 2026

5 pounds 2 ounces  

5 pounds 2 ounces  

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