One legend

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This one is so inspiring and beautifully written.
I felt that I had to share it with world.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did...

Once upon a time there was one legend
as if the stars are the same as we are: they have their own language, their own morals,
But one problem: they cannot touch each other.
God made them beautiful, but lonely.
Any touch destroys them.
And then one of the Gods, having pityed the stars, gave them a gift to settle in the hearts of people in order to learn to truly love.
And at your birth, one of the stars settles in your heart, filling you with love and life.
The moment comes when the person in whom the star lives falls in love.
And, when the heart of this person is broken, the spirit of the star leaves the person, returning to space.
Man becomes cold, and the star, realizing that he will never find love and that it is not in this universe, falls from heaven, committing suicide.💫

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