Six: Big Eden

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The smell of bacon and eggs drew me into the kitchen where my mom, Jone is busy at the stove. "Morning ma, " I say taking a seat at the counter.

"Oh! Tom, I had no idea you were back," she said.

"I got back late last night."

"How did you sleep, dear?"

"Poorly, " I say. "Where's dad?"

"He's off inspecting the borderlands."

"I've got something to tell you; I found her."

"You found...her?" mom said her full attention falling on me. "Your mate? Is she pretty? Is she kind? Is she amazing? Is she upstairs?" Her face was lit with delight as she smiled up at me. I couldn't stop the grin that spread across y face as my mother asked about my Maggie.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no."

"No? You didn't bring her home?"

"Maggie has some commitments that she needs to complete before she can be completely mine."


"That's her name, Maggie Irwin."

"Maggie, that's a beautiful name, " mom said. "What is she?"

"What do you mean?"

"With a name like Irwin, she's not a shifter."

"Human, " is all I say.

"Makes sense. So does she have a boyfriend? Is that why she can't be here now?"

"What? No!"

"You said she had 'commitments' before she could be yours; I just want to make sure it's not a relationship. Is she married, does she need to get a divorce?"

"Mom, stop," I said getting serious. "I think I fucked up."

"What happened?"

"I don't really know, but she thinks I'm going to rejec... " I choke on a sob.

"Oh, darling, come here, " mom cooed wrapping her arms around me. "It's going to be ok. Remember your great grandmother Lulu? Remember what she did before she met your great grandfather? If they could get over that, then you two can get over this."

"Thanks, mom. I need to hear that."


What the hell is Toms problem! It's been three days, and he hasn't called Maggie once! To make matters worse, Maggie has been crying since he left. Bart can't stand to be in the house with Maggie crying. I managed to get some friend over for a movie day. Sharon, Clara, and Jonny were picking out movies from the box Tom gave me while Maggie and I gathered snacks and made popcorn.

"Oh My God!" Jonny yelled from the living room. "When did you get Big Eden?"

"Tom gave it to me."

"We are watching this first!" Jonny said.

"What's it about?" Clara asked.

"It's a beautiful love story, " Jonny explained.

"That might not be the best idea, " I say looking pointedly at Maggie.

"OMG! It's a gay love story, Miss Thang, and we are watching it!" Jonny said.

***an hour and a half later***

"He's not going to make it!" Clara said.

"He's going to make it!" Sharon said.

"No, he's no!" Clara argued.

"Yes, he is!" Sharon argued back. "It's typical movie logic that when someone races to the airport, they make it just in time!"

"What about this movie screams 'typical'?" Clara asked.

"Hey, Jonny boy, I'm gonna be pissed if he doesn't make it in time!" Sharon threatened.

"Cool your tits and watch the movie!" Jonny answered.

"Oh!" Clara said in shock. "Poor Pike."

"I can't believe it!" Sharon yelled throwing popcorn at Jonny. "Why'd you make us watch this!"

"Hey! It's not over yet!" Jonny yelled back!

My cellphone vibrated agents my thigh. Looking at the name 'fuck face,' I answer. "What do you want Tom!"

"Hey, Char, i-is Maggie there?" Tom stuttered.

"We're watching a movie, " I deadpan.

"Can I please talk to her?"

"Hold on..." I say elbowing Maggie lightly. "Here," I say handing her the phone.

"Hello?" Maggie asked.

"Hey, Maggie, what are you watching?" I hear Tom ask.

"Big Eden."

"What part are you at?"

"I think it's the end."

"How'd you like it?"

"It's perfect!"

"I'm glad..."

"Hey what's going on?" Sharon asked.

"Maggie's taking to fuck face," I say.

"Isn't 'fuck face' your name for Tom?" Clara asked. She knew this because we've been friends since childhood.

"Does that mean that Tom is her mate?" Sharon asked.

"Yes, and yes, " I say.

"Oh, My...!" Jonny said getting quiet as all ears turned the phone call.

"... I swear that you aren't getting away. You can try to reject me, but I will not willingly give you up." Tom said.

"Okay, " Maggie squeaked.

"I mean it, what did I tell you when we first met?"


"No, when you told me to let you go."

"Never, " Maggie whispered into the phone as she noticed all eye on her. "I gotta go."

"Okay, I love you."

"Bye, " Maggie said ending the call.

"Awe, " we all say seeing Maggie blush.


'Hey darling, how's Maggie today?' I ask Charlotte through our mind link.

'She's doing better today.'

'That's good! Hey, I'm going to come home early tonight.'

'Okay baby, see you then.'

'Yeah, see you then. '

'I lo-' 

Cutting the mind link quickly I can't suppress the little chill that runs through my body. That bastard, Tom Hunt, put a kink in my plan but now Maggie's over him and things are back on track. Soon everything that I've always wanted will be mine!

Hey there, for your information every movie that's been named in this story is a real movie and some of my personal favorites. Especially Big Eden, it is the best love story that I've ever seen.

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