Inevitable What Happens

Start from the beginning

"Paul does seem like a right asshole" You said and he hummed in agreement before leaning in to kiss you. You two quickly got back into making out on the couch until you realized, despite Roger's protests and whines, that you had to go.

"Well?" Miami said, snapping you back into reality "What's your answer?"

"Can I think about it?" You asked.

"You've had weeks to think about it" Paul said and you sighed. They were right. As much as you loved that they were all there to help you decide, you wished Paul wasn't a part of the meeting. He was beginning to get on your nerves.

"A month with Elton- if you two have chemistry you stay, if you hate him, we'll pull you out" Miami repeated for the third time.

"Pull me out and put me where?" You asked.

"Whoever needs you. It'll be an upgrade, for sure. You'll get a raise and it'll be great" Reid said and you looked down in your lap. Why was this so hard?

"Is there no way I can stay on as Queen's lawyer?" You asked.

"We understand why you want to" Reid said "But we feel that putting you with Elton or Bob would be a better use of your energies"

You felt embarrassed that they all knew one of the biggest reasons you wanted to stay on with Queen was Roger.

"Look, Roger can still be your boyfriend-" Miami started to say and you stopped him "He's not my boyfriend"

"And he won't ever be" Paul said and you snapped your head towards him "He's a rock star and he's on his way to become a global heartthrob. Women are insane about him, he's not going to be settling down with any single girl anytime soon"

"Paul..." Reid began to say but Paul ignored him, continuing "Be real, Y/N. You're not a schoolgirl, are you? Are you seriously considering turning down a promotion so you can stay with your sweetheart?"

You didn't know what to say to Paul, the only thing you wanted to do was punch him in his jaw. It might get you fired but it sure as well would feel good. Roger was right about him. You were glaring daggers as he spoke, and Reid and Miami were looking at you with concern, as if you would break into tears any second. That annoyed you even further. You weren't a fragile girl who would break down in front of her bosses over a guy she liked. I mean, you were. You'd cried over Roger a hundred times, but you weren't going to show them that.

"Prenter, I think it's the girl's decision in the end. Let her decide" Reid said and you cleared your throat.

"You know I'm right" Paul said "Two months from now, you'll be seeing Roger with another girl on the front page of the paper and you'll not only be jobless, but heartbroken as well. You'll wish you'd taken the job then"

You were rendered speechless as he spoke. The fucking audacity.

"Paul, I appreciate your concern but I'm not asking for your opinion on my love life. If I wanted to, I'd ask but no thank you" You said, making sure to keep your tone steady. The worst part was that you knew Paul was somehow right, there was some truth to his words and that hurt you more than anything. You let your mind wander into a future where Paul's prediction became true and the first thing you read in the morning paper is Roger's escapades with women in America. You could feel the pain in your gut when you call Roger on tour and a girl picks up, or when you reunite with Roger and he was carrying another woman's perfume. You shook your head as if to remove those thoughts from your head and brought your attention back to Miami's office.

You turned to face them and said "I'll do it. I'll stay with Elton a month, and see how it goes from there"

Miami burst into a smile "You're going to go places, honey. You won't regret this"

Falling Slowly ⤖ Roger Taylor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now