Chapter 2

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iDOAzu’s POV

    It seemed everyone had found cute little doppelgangers of themselves. It had been decided that our world’s Haruka would go by Haruka, and the other Haruka was Penguin-chan. I thought it was cute.

    Our Iori would go by Iori-chan, and the other Iori was Minase-chan.

    The Yukiho I knew was now Yukipyon, and the other was Yukiho-chan.

    And our Ritsuko would be known affectionately as Demon General, while the other was just plain Ritsuko.

    They were all adorable, like having twins. Ami-chan and Mami-chan were thrilled with their new playmates. It was rather easy to pick out differences in personality, however. Demon General was rather strict, while Ritsuko seemed more relaxed. Minase-chan was a bit more gruff then Iori-chan. And Yukipyon was still Yukipyon, although Yukiho-chan was much braver.

    Briefly, I wondered if I would ever get a twin. On one side of me on the couch was Makoto-chan, who also hadn’t gotten a doppelganger, and on the other side was Chihaya-chan. She hadn’t found one either. Hibiki-chan, Takane-chan, and Miki-chan were across from us.

    “I wanna twin too,” Hibiki-chan muttered, gazing longingly at the playing twins.

    “Me too, but don’t they all look cute?” I agreed, giggling.

    “Exactly! That’s why I want ‘em!” Hibiki-chan wailed.

    “None of us have found ours yet,” Chihaya-chan commented. I nodded.

    “Then they should hurry an’ show up,” Hibiki-chan said.

    I wondered where they had come from. Why were they here? That was when the whirring noise started.

    “Who’s there?” Makoto-chan and Hibiki-chan yelled, both of them immediately glancing in the direction of the noise. A large, swirling mass of nothing had appeared on the walls.

    “It’s It!” Minase-chan gasped.

    “What a lovely decoration,” Takane-chan murmured.

    “Miki doesn’t think it’s a decoration, Takane,” Miki sighed. “Is it going to spit out Miki’s twin?”

    “Who knows?” I giggled. “Perhaps it will.”

XenoAzu’s POV

    It didn’t make any sense to either of us.

    We were dead. It seemed that she knew that. I knew that. We both knew that.

    And yet here we were, flying through this mass of…whatever it was. I glanced at her; my sister, Kisaragi Chihaya, who said nothing, but she was grinning from ear to ear.

    “Imber…is that you?” I heard her whisper faintly. “Imber, are you calling me? I’m coming…”

    I wondered if wherever we were going really did contain all the iDOLs. And if it contained the iDOLs, would it contain the people?

    Haruka. Iori. Yukiho. Joseph and the rest.


    I wasn’t sure if leaving her had been the right decision. But I think both of us had known it was my duty to get rid of Mother. Now I was gone for good, or so I had thought. Traveling around in this mass, it was hard to tell. That was when I saw the end—a bright, cheery-looking place. It was foggy through the screen of distorted space, but I saw happy, smiling faces—and I saw Iori, Haruka, Yukiho, and Ritsuko.

Doppelgangers! An iDOLM@STER and Xenoglossia CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now