Chapter 24

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Im laying in my bed, half awake. Another day of school today.

Yesterday was fun. We uploaded the song on Youtube. I'm kinda proud, it sounds pretty good.

I just love to do what I love with my best friends. I still think it's kind of weird to call them my best friends.

Luke is by best friend for as long as I can remember.

But I hated the others, for as long as I can remember. Well I never hated Ash but I didn't know him before.

But I'm so glad I have them all.

I hear someone entering my house. Well, someone. I can better say Luke.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I just keep laying on my bed with my eyes closed.

He enters my room.I'm too sleepy to react.

Luke walks to my bed. Then, suddenly, I feel a kiss on my lips.

A lot of things cross my mind. Is he kissing me again. What. No he wont do that. What the fuck is going on. I don't want drama again. Please Luke. DON'T.

'Luke what the fuck are you doing?!" I yell and open my eyes.

Luckily, instead of facing a shocked Luke, I look in the lovely green eyes of Michael. He's smiling at me.

'Don't worry babe, it's just me."He giggles and pulls me into a hug.

'You're lucky that I didn't punch you, with the thought of Luke kissing me again." I giggle with him.

We lay like this for a couple more minutes.

'Uh Michael, not that I'm not happy to see you right now or something, but where is Luke actually?" I wonder.

'I think he overslept. I'm just here because I wanted to see you."

'Mike you're such a cutiepie." I giggle of my choice of words.

'Well thanks, my little cupcake" He joins me.

'I think I need to get ready." I look at my alarmclock and realize that I'm still laying in bed in my pyjamas.

'Sounds like a good idea." He releases me and we both stand up.

'Thanks for waking me, without you I would probably stay in bed till 13PM and then realize I had school today." I laugh at the cute boy next to me.

'Well no problem." He smiles.

He stares at me for a while.

'How can you look gorgeous at 7AM." He laughs at me and shakes his head. 'Why are you so damn perfect." He bites his lip.

'How can you be so cheesy." I laugh. 'I don't look perfect. I look tired as fuck. But thanks love."

The real thing I question is how he can bite his lip and it looks hella perfect.

'I think I'm cheesy because I eat too many pizzas."He laughs. I just shake my head.

'Dani c'mon that was funny." I join him in his laughs while he playfully pushes my arm.

'But for me you're always perfect."He hugs me again.

'I love you." I wisper to his chest.

Then he releases me and walks downstairs. I get ready. I grab an All Time Low shirt and a black skinny.

I change and then walk downstairs. Michael is sitting at the kitchentable. There's plate with a sandwich on the table.

I go sit next to Mike and grab the sandwich. I look at him and laugh. 'I don't even care if this sandwich was made for me or not, im just hungry." I try to say with a full mouth.

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