Never said Thank you for That....

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    I drank my beer like it was an endless pit. I watched the girls and rolled my eyes. Trash. Like me. Drake wouldn't make eye contact me but that was okay cause I didn't want to look at him at all. It hurt too much. He was getting married and I wasn't the girl. My heart literally broke in my chest and I couldn't breathe half the night.

    I saw Kier stand up and he slowly sauntered toward me, uninterested in the girls. I grimaced, remembering how much he disliked me at the house 2 years ago and now he wanted to talk to me..? Or more likely have his way with me... I took another drink.    "Well if it isn't Abigail Holder. The bad girl who my brother fell for. How are you?" he asked.    I rolled my eyes and continued looking around the pent house suite the boys had rented. "Great. Just dandy."   

Drink. Breathe. Drink. Don't throw up. Drink. Breathe.   

"Come out to the balcony. We need to talk.". Kier said sternly.    

I grabbed a cold beer and followed him out into the cool night. My trench coat wasnt keeping me warm what so ever.

"What do you want?"     A sly smirk stretched across his face and evil danced through his eyes. A tingle ran up my spine as I saw the deceit in his eyes.   

  "Rich is quite a nice man isn't he Jackie?" My heart dropped in my butt and I couldnt feel my toes. "why do you look so nervous? Want a cigarette? Or more like some of these?"     He held out a bottle of pain killers. My chest tightened.

   "How'd you find out...?" I whispered, holding the pain killers in my hand.    

"Who do you think told Rich and your mom about you sleeping with Drake and then Blake huh? Who do you think dropped them the hint that you were at our house? I needed to make some extra cash and you were the perfect target. I knew you'd fall for Drake and that'd he fall for you. I gave them the idea of you becoming a prostitute. I set up Drake and Annalise. Your meant to be with me baby. Forever." he gave me a lustful smile and crashed his lips onto mine.   

   I was discusted and terrified. No one had ever treated me in that manor. I knew he was a snake from the beginning. The way Kier would give me nasty looks and would always be mean to me, made so much since now. Kier pulled away from me, anger took over his face and his grip on my wrist grew tighter. I got scared. Nothing made since. It was him that ratted me out? How? Why? What did I do? So many questions pulsed through me that I wanted to scream.    

Kier started to untie the belt around my coat. I started shaking. I suddenly felt a hand wrap around my waist and I turned to see Drake's angry face. He could have committed murder with his eyes.     "Dont touch her ever again Kier."    

"It's not just me touching her Drakey-boo." kier said, mockingly.

    "What are you talking about?" drake said through gritted teeth.   

  "Your little princess is a little prostitute. That girl is known on the street as Jackie Lovegood. She gets her fix of drugs every day and can down alcohol like nobody's business. This girl is a legend and she knows it. Right Jackie?"

    Drake closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. He shook his head and backed off of the patio. He was hurt and the worst thing is? He was being quiet about it. I wanted him to scream at me and hit me. Make me feel the hurt I've been making him feel.     

I watched as he walked away. Drake turned around and looked at me,    

       "I'm sick and tired of the mess you've made me. I'm ready to be happy, like Annalise. Never talk to be again Abigail. Rot in hell."   

   "I am babe... Nothing's changed..." I whispered to myself.


The bachelor party ended and I was not in the mood to sleep with anyone and no one asked so I left, without pay. Rich was going to be pissed. The 2 other girls stayed though, with Blake and Sam. Of course. I took a slow walk back to the hotel. The morning sun started to rise over the city, the simple pleasures of a day are great. We tend to overlook them but when you have those 10 seconds of utter beauty, it makes you forget all the shit that goes on in you life and sometimes that's all you need. The sky sparkled with tones of purple and pink. I smiled to myself and took a deep breath in.

    Then the sharp thought came back, I had seen Drake. The only boy I seemed to love and he told me to rot in hell. My knees grew weak and I couldn't handle my weight anymore. The concrete ground and my body collided and tears bubbled over in my eyes. I lost the one guy I ever loved and would live as this monster for the rest of my life...

    I heard footsteps behind me but i didn't care. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I looked up. Blake stood behind me looking concerned, "Hey girl. Tell me what's wrong will you?" I nodded and he helped me stand up. I shivered a little but ignored it, I was just glad someone cared to listen to my shit.  What I didn't know is that Blake would become the best most loving friend I could ever ask for.


UPLOADED!! School has officially started so I apologise for not so recent updates.  I'm trying my hardest I swear! hahah not really.  High school is a mass greater then middle school.  I literally wanted to kill myself there... But I love my classes and the friends I have made and hope to make!

Thanks for reading and always have your friends read also! You know it always helps to have a little free advertising if you know what I mean (;

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Bye Friends!


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