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Dear readers, now is the moment to mention that all rights are reserved to SEGA as referring to the character Shadow the Hedgehog. 

If the chapter has caught you, let me know by hitting the star! Thank you! :)

Yours sincerely: The author

The Hopps Family's house was in a complete mess. Most of the adults and children were stuck to the ground, caught in the nets. Bonnie had fallen onto the floor and was motionless. Obviously, she was in shock. Stu tried to reach her.

"DON'T MOVE!" Someone shouted again.

Stu froze at the place where he stood.


Stu raised his hands and tried to turn his head at the direction from where he heard the voice.

"FREEZE!" The same voice commanded. What could Stu do? He stood still, shuddering.

Not long afterwards, someone punched him on the ground. He fell with a crash and moaned. Then, Stu felt his hands at his back. He was tied and punched again. The offender turned him over.

"You tell me now.. where is she?" he asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Stu responded, shuddering.


A deafening strike over his head. Stu squinted his eyes. The pain was unbearable. Blood spilled out of his nose.

"Think again!" the offender spoke. "Or you wish to see your family cut or boiled alive?"

Stu shuddered out of terror. He could not move. No... not my family.... He thought, as he shook his head. No...

Tears fell off his eyes. Stu felt like a betrayer to his family. What was his excuse for just staying here and awaiting his doom? They would kill him anyway. And then... God knows what they were supposed to do to Judy and Violet and to the others!

The offender examined him carefully. He smirked at the helpless body against him. Hahahahaha! Such a miserable, scared – to – death rabbit! This came easier than I anticipated...

"I'm asking you for one last time, Long Ears! You tell me where the rabbit – fox is, or you witness how we boil and eat your family!"

Stu shuddered. But now, he realized... His eyesight came back again after the horror and he could spot the offenders. They were not the police, as he had guessed from the very beginning. Masked wolves, they stood in the middle of the living room. They were predators. That explained everything.. their thirst for blood, their tattoos, their scary outfits, their behavior... Terrified, Stu stared at them.

"So... it is obvious he won't tell us... so why don't we just..." One of the wolves spoke as he took out a dagger and leaned it at one of the children's throats. Stu's eyes would pop out. He tried to move, no luck.

"So? You're telling us, or? Shall I cut?" the wolf asked.

Stu stared at him continuously. No.... it was Ruby... one of his children... But was it that easy? Judy was also his daughter. How would he betray her by revealing her to the offenders? Undoubtedly, they sought to kill her and..... probably... Stu thought, to kidnap Violet. Suddenly, Stu noticed something. The wolf with the dagger was just over his legs. Stu came up with an idea... Though it seemed a bit dumb, he would at least win some time. Stu strained all his muscles and kicked the assassin. The strike was so heavy that he broke the glass table and hit the wall.

The Wilde family { EDITING TIME! }Where stories live. Discover now