Chapter 11- Tears

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A/N Not much to say right now. Just I want you to play the song on the side, it really adds to the feeling of the book. If you are on a tablet/phone, I also put the song in the external link.

Chapter 11- Tears

I wrung my hands, waiting for everyone to get settled. The amount of people wasn't what I wanted. I had informed Aaron, and Jimbo to be ready to hold my mates back, from running out the door. The idea came via William. He knew it was bad, and told me that my mates will get a little... angry. Riley sat in a chair, Leo and Levi sat on the couch, Aaron and Jimbo resting on the arm rest's. Logan and Aria, sat on a plush black love seat.

"Hold on." Aria, stood up, making Logan pout. "Go sit in Ivory's seat." She demanded, Logan raised his eyebrows but done it none the less. I stood up. I was more hoping to sit down... before I could finish the thought, Aria pulled me next to her on the couch. I smiled at her. Everyone sat in silence. I played with my hands, unsure what to do with them.

'You can do it, I know you can." Ivy encouraged. She had been more present since the kiss. I turned red, and sent a look to my mates, who looked at me questioningly. Except Leo, he just smirked at me.

'Thanks Ivy.' I sent her, before I stood up. I'm not sure why I wanted to stand up while I talked.

"Okay, I am not sure how to say it. I am doing what William said, and trusting you guys. I wanted to just let my past go, but William said, if they are looking for me, then I need to let you guys know. So, that's what I am doing." Everyone seemed tense. I turned to Aria, the one I felt the most connected to, aside from my mates.

"William, said that you went through what I did, only they tired to kill you. And they came after you." I ignored Logan growling. Aria nodded.

"Well, um. I was with a pack, I don't know their name, I wasn't allowed to. They used my powers, they kept me just strong enough to use them. Getting the truth from people, healing the ones they wanted to survive. Keeping prisoners alive long enough to find the truth. Many things, many things that lead to consequences." I gulped thinking of the things that I had to pay for, the things that happened to me because of using my powers in the wrong way.

"Alpha, was brutal. I um, if I messed up, or hesitated when I was told to do something, I was punished. I healed myself at first, but when they realized it, my punishments got even worse, if I healed myself. They had silver thread woven on the wip, so that Ivy was to weak to help me." I shivered at the memory. Then mental slapped myself. "Um, I cant remember much of my parents, just a few random memories of a cake, or playing with a doll, or a dog. I know that they were killed right there, in front of me. When the werewolves saw me, they realized they could raise a weapon." I looked over to Leo and Levi, whom were glaring, but not at me.

"Is that where your scars came from?" Aria asked. I nodded. Without much thought I turned my back to them. I heard gaps when I lifted my shirt up, while keeping my breast hidden. I felt a soft hand touch my back, I knew it was Aria. Her hand traced the path of scar tissue, that the crack of the whip left.

'Your so pathetic!" his voice lifted through my head, in the deep bellowed husk of his voice. I shivered putting my shirt down. Leo was shaking, Levi just staring at me in horror. I didn't have enough strength to comfort them, and share my story. So I sent Aaron a questioning look, and he nodded. Showing that he was ready to grab him if needed.

"There is a lot more, I am simply saying what is needed. The people who turned me into a werewolf, they called themselves my owners. They were killed in a rouge attack, making my bond to the pack break. So I ran. I wasn't strong enough to make it out on my own. Ivy, helped me so much. We ran back to back, I would rest when she ran, and I would run while she rested. Sometimes I had to stop for a few days, for us to get more rest. It made us more of two separate people, in one body. more so than most wolfs with their human half. But to my old pack, I wasn't a human, I was a tool. And much like a tool, I wasn't expected to have feelings. I don't think they are coming for me, they would assume I was to incompetent to stay alive. They used me. " I bit down the tears, Ivy paced in my head, and once again, I wished she was a person whom could hug me. I gulped.

"Parts of me, they were okay seeing as..." I chocked on the lump in my throat, my eyes burning. Leo and Levi's heads snapped to mine. "They were okay to see parts of me as human. But not enough to have a say so." The walls and windows rattled, by the deep growls that each wolf in the room sent off. Aria pulled me into a tight hug, hot, yet cold scolding tears fell down my cheeks. Aria pulled my head to face her, she showed a face of deep concern.

"You had it much worse than I, darling girl. I only had to tolerated a short 8 years of it, and they never took that from me. I am so sorry." She looked at me in awe, as if I was something worth praise. I didn't, I had been to weak to fight back. The tears burnt my eyes, as they trailed down, everyone gasped. I choked on a sob, both my mates stood in front of me. They stared at my face, but not my eyes. My tears I noticed. 'Why are they staring at us that way?' Ivy whispered. I never got to answer her.

"Oh my gosh, Ivory. Your eyes." Leo placed his finger under the trail of my tears. He whipped up the trail on his finger. When he pulled back his hand, it was not the clear salty tears, that I had expected to coat his finger.

It was dark, thick, blood.





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