Chapter 11

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*~*Chapter Eleven*~*

"I'm..." I started, running a hand through my hair. The three girls sitting in front of me leaned closer, their eyes widening.

"You're not pregnant right?!" Danielle hissed, her dark brown eyes saucers.

My own eyes widened. "What? No! No I'm not," I said, laughing, "Well... I've come to the conclusion that I'm falling for Niall... like, falling hard." At first the three girls just looked at me, waiting for me to say this is a joke. Because just a couple days ago I was saying how Niall and I were just friends. Then the three realised I wasn't kidding. Grins broke out across their faces and they squealed. I laughed and grinned back at them.

"Oh my God this is so cute!" Perrie gushed.

"We can all have dates together! Like you and Niall, me and Liam, Eleanor and Louis, and Perrie and Zayn!" Danielle said. I could tell she was already making plans for this 'date'.

"Welcome to the girlfriend group!" Eleanor exclaimed, opening her arms. I laughed a little a shook my head.

"We're not dating though," I said, frowning, "And besides, Harry isn't letting me date any of the boys." I frowned even more at that and the three girls' grins faltered.

"Oh," Perrie muttered.

"Well this is a backfire," Eleanor said. The four of us nodded. I then laughed. The three girls looked at me, confused.

"This is like, one of those romance movies," I said, smiling, "Except with famous people."

Danielle nodded and chuckled "Yeah, it is. Except your going to be with Niall."

My eyes widened. What? I can't do that. Harry will be so mad. Like, really pissed. "I can't do that," I said, "That was Harry's main rule "

"Actually," Perrie said, "I was told his main rule was to not fall for one of the boys, which you already did." I glared at her.

"Not helping," I said and sighed, falling back onto the pillows, "So what should we do now?"

"Have a girls' night," Eleanor said, "You can all stay at my apartment. We can plot there."

"Eleanor," I groaned.

"Sh child," She said, "We all really want you to be with Niall. And we know you do too."

"But Niall doesn't even like me," I said, flipping over so my face was buried in the pillows. I felt a hand rubbing my back. I looked up to see Danielle smiling sadly down at me.

"I think he does," She said. I shrugged.

"I can't even date him so what's the point?" I asked.

"Well, you're 18," Perrie said, "So you are an adult with your own rules."

I then looked over at Perrie, my eyebrows raised. "You have a point," I said, "I'm a legal adult." I then frowned again. "But Harry would be so mad..."

The three girls sighed. "I know this is bad to say," Perrie said, "But if you like Niall, go for it. I mean, love is love, right?"

I groaned, sitting up. "But I don't love him," I denied, "And besides, I like him and he probably likes some model." Eleanor shook her head.

"Nope, Niall said he wouldn't date a model," Eleanor said matter-of-factly. I raised my eye-brows at her.

"Really?" I hated how I sounded so happy about that. Stupid voice emotions.

Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie all grinned at me. They all had the same look in their eyes that screamed 'we're gonna set you up with Niall'. I groaned mentally. "But really, what if he doesn't like me back?"

"Oh, he obviously does," Danielle said, running a hand through her curly hair.

"How are you so sure?" I asked, leaning on the head-board of the bed. They can't be that sure, right?

"The way he looks at you," Perrie said.

"The way he smiles at you," Eleanor said, grinning.

"I swear, I saw tightness in those-"

"Danielle!" I exclaimed, whacking her with a pillow. Eleanor and Perrie burst into laughter, clutching onto each other. Danielle grinned cheekily at me. I groaned and dropped my head into my hands.

There was then a knock on the door and all of us froze. Perrie and Eleanor stopped laughing. All of our eyes widened and we looked at the door. Their was a knock again.

"Taylor?" The door then slowly opened to reveal Harry standing there.

"Oh hey Harry," I said, trying to sound casual.

Did he hear our conversation?

"What's up?" Perrie asked, smiling slightly.

"Uhm well," Harry said, shaking out his curls, "Since it's only seven or so, and Melissa and I didn't have dinner, I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner, Taylor, for some brother-sister bonding?" I smiled. Yes, I was waiting for brother-sister bonding time! Though, my smile soon faltered sort-of.

"Oh, well, uh, the girls and I were planning a-"

"It can be another night," Eleanor said and smiled at me. I smiled back and turned to Harry.

"Are you sure? Because-" Harry started.

"Harry," Danielle said, cutting him off, "You're so busy and barely get anytime to bond with her, it can be another night." Danielle smiled reassuringly at her.

I grinned at my twin. "Yeah, it can be another night," i repeated, "Now wait outside while I get ready."

Harry left the room and Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie went outside to hang out with their boyfriends. I closed the door after them and jogged over to the closet. I quickly rummaged through the closet. This was just dinner with my brother, so it's not like I have to dress up or anything. I finally decided on black skinny jeans, a black -with white stripes- off the shoulder shirt that read 'life' in glitter-y letters with a white tank-top under-neath, and black ballet flats with bows at the toes. I pulled my hair out of it's bun and quickly fixxed my curls,  pulling a black-knit beanie over my head. I didn't do any make-up, because there was no need.

I walked out into the living room section and saw everyone -except Harry who was leaning against the counter- sitting on the couch. I smiled at Harry. "Ready to go?"

Harry nodded and we bid everyone else goodbye. Soon, we were walking out of the hotel room and down the stairs into the lobby.

Alright, lets do some brother-sister bonding...


ugh I hate how this was so short :P but I'm tired and I thought this was a good place to end. This chapter is sort of a filler chap. The next one should be posted in a couple of days or so :)

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