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"Jin I did what the test told me to do"

I walked out of the bathroom and left the pregnancy test on the Sis rod the sink

J: "okay namjoon,jimin, and Taehyung went to get you somethings for you and Yoongi went to get luggage out of the van"


J: "how long did it say to wait for?"

"5 minuets I think"

J: "okay relax and sit down I'll start making dinner"

"Mind if I help?"

J: "sure"

I was told to cut veggies

"Jin is there possibility that I could be having Jungkook's baby"

J: "well yes if the test comes out positive then we'll make a doctors appointment to make sure it's true or not"

"And if I am would that mean that I have to get more security and be undercover more?"

J: "I hate to say but yeah Jungkook doesn't really likenhow media gets to his personal life"

"But what happens if-

J: "if Jungkook ask about your whereabouts well I'll just tell him you left home early that you felt homesick"

"Let's say the baby is born can I immediately leave South Korea?"

J: "ac- *ding dong*

"I'll get it"

I wipe my hand with a towel and look through the peep hole and I open the door

Yg: "why do you have so much instruments"

"Hey I was planning on selling my guitar plus it's only two "

Yg: "one to many and keep the guitar to much memories"

J: "what's with the the smaller case?"

"That's my violin I used to play it a lot and most compose music with it but my parents got me a guitar for my birthday and I haven't played it since but I have 1 song I can use for it"

Yg: "the others are on the way up with the rest of your bags"


I went back into the kitchen to help Jin. After a while the other came back

"I'm going to take a look at the test"

I cleaned my hand and walk back into the bathroom. I grabbed the test and read the little screen


T: "Noona?"

I just looked at him

T: "Hey Hey it's okay don't worry we'll be here to support you"

He walked to me and hugged me his chin resting on my head I snake my hands around him and cried into his chest

Jm: "(y/n)?"

His footsteps walked over to me and ate and joined the hug. I heard more footsteps come into the bathroom and joining they were all there except Jungkook

I heard other footsteps they seemed quite scared and shy steps but I recognize them. It was Hoseok steps I haven't seen him since the Halloween party as soon as that ended he was busy with his own marriage and kids and job so he didn't find the time to come and hangout completely with us

H: "hey what's going on?"

Namjoon left the hug and went out to explain to Hoseok

~Namjoon pov~

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