I Love You Always Forever

Start from the beginning

"But what if one of us ordered more than the other?" Andy Milonakis asked. "Wouldn't that be unfair to the other person?" Destiny suddenly spoke up, a chance to appear intelligent racing through his mind. He bounced on his chair..

"Actually we need to take into account how the person got the money in the first place. How is it fair if the capital was accrued through unfair means?"

Hasan's jaw dropped.

Destiny continued, "The fairest thing would be to give people what they need and have everyone pay what they can. According to their ability to do so."

The group agreed this was the best course of action, though Lily and Andy somewhat begrudgingly. As they left, Hasan made sure to walk near Steven. A new attraction toward him had formed. Hasan's hip bumped into Destiny's shoulder as they walked together... both of them secretly enjoying the apparently impersonal and inadvertent touch.

"Wait. You've had a few drinks Steven you shouldn't drive," shouted andy.

"I'll be fine stop being such a pussy."

"Steven it's not safe! What if one of us got hurt in an accident?!" Lily cried.

"I'm a fucking ALPHA." Yelled destiny, emboldened by the alcohol. He pushed Andy who fell backwards knocking Lily over. Hasan and Destiny were free to rush to the car. "Start the fucking car!!" The bright blue car roared to life and Destiny Peeled away, leaving a cloud of smoke.

Andy screamed into the night. Lily wept. But the boys in the blue car were gone.

The song I Love You Always Forever - Donna Lewis (I recommend playing this song now) was playing as Destiny zoomed through Hollywood. The bright lights amazed him in his drunken glow. A gorgeous man next to him. A car that had good gas mileage. And a city with limitless possibilities. He had never felt more alive than tonight. He leaned back and drove with one hand on the steering wheel. The other inching closer to Hasan. If there was such a thing as beauty, then he was experiencing it tonight. The song picked up and he shook and swayed to it. Hasan gripped his hand and let out a laugh, enjoying how cute Destiny was being. He opened the window and stuck his head out and let out a scream of pleasure. This night was pure magic. The wind flowed through Hasan's curly dark locks. "Get back in here!" Destiny shouted, his mouth open in a smile that enraptured Hasan.

"You look beautiful when you smile." He said.

"You look beautiful all the time." He blushed instantly, he couldn't believe his own bravado.

Hasan laughed it off and just grabbed Steven's hand and placed it on his lap. Steven squeezed his knee lovingly. "You're amazing you know..." Steven said as he stared straight ahead at the road. Hasan was touched. He held Steven's hand the rest of the way home to the apartment.

They walked up the stairs to Steven's home. At the top of the stairs the larger man made his move.

Hasan gripped Steven's shoulder and spun him around then pushed him backwards so Steven's back hit his apartment door. "UaGh!" was the sound of the moan that escaped his lips. He looked up submissively into Hasan's big brown eyes. His favorite color.

"You want this."

Destiny Gulped. He looked off to the side exposing his cheek, his reluctance to give himself to passion apparent to Hasan. Hasan leaned in slowly, his soft warm breath pulsing over Destiny's cheek.

"Jesse was right. Destiny is a feminine name..."

He placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Destiny felt his cock rise. He felt nervous, ashamed. His cheeks were hot. He championed the gay cause but now.... caught in the middle of it himself he was afraid. Was this homophobia? He drove the thought away. He couldn't... that wasn't logical... Strange new and exciting emotions coursed through Steven's small body.

Hasan felt Destiny's small yet strangely thick cock lift up against his brown trousers. This excited him greatly. He gipped Steven's peepee and squeezed feeling him fill his hand.

"Oh, fuckkkkkk", Destiny moaned.

Hasan stopped. Something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?"

Hasan stepped back and looked at the ground. "I just wanna wait, ok?"

"I respect that," Destiny said thinking how he could formulate this into a tweet bragging about not raping people. "So like... what are we?"

Hasan looked down. Glittering tears dropping from his face to the ground. He looked into Destiny's crystal blue eyes. He wanted to tell him how much he liked him, but he didn't want to feel like a slut.

"We're friends man."

With that he turned. His designer coat flourishing behind him ironically in a way that would be impossible under communism. Next to him a heart was breaking into a million pieces. A heart that had sworn never to get into a relationship again, for the pain it caused to his sensitive self was too great. He slumped against his apartment door. He could not stand as the grief now burdening him was too much to bear. He began to cry.

After two hours of sobbing helplessly Destiny got up and unlocked his front door and ran to his bed wailing loudly.

He lay in bed his head spinning from the alcohol. Steven thought of recent happenings in his life. His move to Los Angeles. His breakups that had created a whirlwind in his personal life. There were a lot of positives, but also a lot of negatives. He had lost friends but also gained the IRL friendship of others. He missed his family. The simple life of Nebraska. He questioned whether it had all been worth it. There were a a few pictures he had saved of Hasan on his phone. His eyes burned with tears as he swiped through them, his emotions painfully taking over his body. He logged into d.gg chat on his phone and read socialist propaganda to feel closer to Hasan. Woozy and drunk he typed out his feelings without thinking. "I feel like my mind's fucking falling apart."


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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