TsuChako: Love

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Ochako Uraraka always new she wasn't exactly normal. Since she was young she would fantasize about her future, but it didn't always involve a husbands. Some times it did, but others she thought of a wife.

She asked her mom when she was twelve if that was a bad thing- her thinking of having both a wife and a husband depending on the day.

She just smiled at her daughter and told her that it wasn't bad. She was just a tad different than others, but it was nothing to be ashamed of.

So, she grew up normally, not thinking of herself as being different in any way. She never really told anyone, because she didn't think it was a big deal, and she thought the same when she went to UA, so she didn't find it weird when she started to have a crush on one of the boys in her class. Specifically Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku.

She quickly got over her crush, because she wanted to focus on her hero work, and he started to date two of their other class mates, Todoroki and Bakugou, in their second year.

Very soon though, she stared to get lonely. She had tons of friends, but she wanted something more. She wanted a girlfriend or boyfriend. She just wanted someone to like her back!

"Is there something wrong with me?" Uraraka asks as she plays with her friend's, Momo, hair.

"What? No! Why would you think that?" Jirou, her other friend, also Momo's girlfriend, who is sitting in a bean bag chair a couple feet away from Ochako's bed, asks.

"It's just... I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend before, and the only person I thought I had a chance with turns out to be gay and polyamorous..."

"Maybe you can join them...?" Momo says, looking back at her friend with a Awkward yet hopeful smile.

Jirou laughs, and Uraraka sighs and lets her hands fall down from the braid she was giving Momo.

"It's useless. I'm unlovable."

"You're not! Is there someone you have your eye on? Is that why you're sad?" Momo asks with a quirked brow, but Ochako just blushed lightly.

"A little bit. Yeah. It's nothing major, but I still like her..."

Momo and Jirou look at each other with knowing looks. "And could you tell us who it is?" The short haired girl asks, playing with her ear jacks.

"I guess. I mean, you know her, so..."

"You're kinda just saying things that are unnecessary right now. Just tell us who you like!" Momo says, eyes hopeful.

Her girlfriend, Jirou, looks at her lovingly, and Uraraka can't help but want that as well.

"It's Tsu. I like Tsu."

Momo squeals and tackles Uraraka. "That's so cute! You guys would look so good together!"

Uraraka sighs and doesn't hug her friend back. "I'm pretty sure she likes Tokoyami, so it'll never work out..."

"I'll get rid of him for you," Jiro says, eyes hard yet wide, looking at her friend very seriously.

The brown haired girl laughs nervously as Momo gets off of her, going over to her girlfriend.

"Kyoka, stop being weird and crazy," the long haired girl says, sitting on her girlfriends lap. Jirou may look scrawny, but she's actually very muscular. She just hides it with baggy clothes.

"Ok," she says, lifting up her head for a kiss.

Momo giggles and kisses her lover deeply, loving every second of it.

"Guys, please don't have sex in my room. That would be much appreciated."

Momo blushes and gets off her her girlfriend's lap. "Sorry. Got carried away. Anyway, we'll help you get Tsu! Right away!"

"Guys, I'm okay. She probably doesn't even like girls."

"I'm pretty sure she's, like, Demisexual or something. I remember her mentioning it awhile back, but I could be mistaken," Jirou says, her hand on her chin in thought.

Jirou runs over to her, eyes serious, while she hands are on the girls shoulders. She's looking directly into her eyes. "Are you sure? You're not messing with me?"

Jirou shakes her head quickly, while Momo releases her grip on Kyoka.

"Here, I'll go talk to Tsu, and you guys stay here," Momo says, walking out of the room.

She walks to Tsu's room and knocks on the door. She hears a tiny 'come in', so she does as told.

"Oh, Momo. Hello. What can I do for ya?" Tsu asks, sitting up from her laying position on her bed, since she was reading.

"Well, I wanted to ask you something. I've been wondering this for awhile now, and I need to find out if it's true or not..."

Tsu looks at her confused but nods for her to continue.

"Well, I was wondering do you like Uraraka."

Tsuyu's face instantly goes red, and she doesn't talk for a while.

"I guess I sorta have a crush on her. She's really nice and pretty. And she's so cool. Anyone could get lost in her eyes..."

Momo squeals and jumps on Tsu just like she did with Uraraka. "Perfect! Now you two can get together!"


"You both like each other, so why not date?"

"She likes me?" Tsu asks, eyes wider than normal.

"Of course! Now, come on, I need to get you guys together!"

Uraraka and Tsu did get together. And now they live happily ever after. The end!


Hey, it's Loveliness. Lol. That was so stupid. I'm usually was better at writing than that, trust me. That was so short. Lol. I just wanted something out though, so here we are.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like this chapter and stick with me! Please remember to vote, comment, and follow me! Bye!

Loveliness out!

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