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"Bro, I'm telling you,
that girl from last night
was bad as fuck" Zion said
to the boys

They all looked at him skeptical
but allowed to him to carry on

As he continued to rant on,
Brandon interrupted him
and asked

"So you're trying to tell us,
you spend the whole night with
this supposed baddie and you didn't
get her number?"

"She was playing hard to get man"
Zion says frustrated that the
boys weren't believing him

"Sure she was pal" Austin laughed
patting him on the back

"How much did you drink last night?"
Edwin asks with a raised eyebrow

"Man y'all got me fucked up" Zion
exclaims before walking into the

"We're messing with you man" Brandon
laughed as the boys also made their way
into the studio

"We're messing with you man" Brandonlaughed as the boys also made their wayinto the studio

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"Gracie!"Stassie, Gracie's best friend, yells

"Hurry up and get ready,
we're going to the mall" she exclaims

"Wait what for?" She inquires, coming into
Gracie's room

"Because there's a sale!" Stassie
Squeals with happiness

"Okay let me go get dressed and we'll
go" Gracie said deciding it would
be wiser to just give in

"Yay, we're going to have so much

"Yay, we're going to have so muchfun!"

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