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UGH this is me taking out my frustrations somewhere and i choose this way before i break something . my mom found out i'm writing on wattpad luckily she doesn't know english so she can't understand what i write about , but she just turns this into a life lesson like if you want your books to  be     ' publishedinto the real world you gotta go to writing school or some place that . and i don't want that this is just purely for me and you readers .


Percy POV:

It's been a week since the Hippogriff incident and the golden trio are trying to be better ' friends ' we already hang out with Ron as we want to be his friend as well but the rest not really .Nico and I hung out more and decided to wait for us to be dating and I'm really glad that he didn't turn me down otherwise i would have gone rogue or worse . Right now we were by the lake on the school grounds watching the golden trio from afar , they were reading over Hermione's shoulder , more like only Harry,  as for Ron who was sitting beside them looking at them and when he wanted to ask something he got turned down pretty quickly .

I whistled loudly , but not loud enough for the golden trio to hear, Nico looked at me strangely , but I dismissed it. I looked towards the sky that was above the woods noticing
My familiar flying my way , Nico turned his head towards the way I was looking , he was stunned for a second before turning to me

"is that a hawk "  he asked bewildered , i smiled 

" yep " watching him as he landed next to me, i got out my sachel giving him mice for coming . i got a pen and notepad out of my pocket , to which Nico's reaction was hillarious he was so shocked that his jaw dropped .

" how did you do that" i chuckled

" you wouldn't belive me even if i told you " 

"Please tell me , i wanna know  " Nico whined  

"Ok ,ok jeez i'll tell you " leaning closer to his ear i whispered " it's magic" i leaned away  watching his reaction , Nico groaned in frustration 

" are kidding me , how could i not that where did you learn that" i laughed a little writing on the notepad and answering Nico not even bothering to look up

" Nico we go to a magic school where we learn magic where there is a library and books that have spells in them , where do you think i learned everything " i glanced at his expression , before turning back to the notepad

" Urgh , are you kidding me" groaning he layed on his back

" Nope" I ripped the paper and folded it into a tube attaching it to my hawks claw , he flew to Ron who was startled he looked towards us and I gestured towards the hawk , he looked towards
the hawk and unwrapped the paper that was around his claw , he read it and nodded , he looked towards Harry and Hermione who were absolutely oblivious to what was happening Ron silently stood up and started walking towards us . When he got.to us he sat down across from Nico and I .

Percy Jackson a werewolf [Discontinued]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz