(Y/N) & Quartet - Fresh's Cool Friends (Murtagh & Veschell remix)

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At first the other three were dumbfounded, but then Tetra leapt off the ledge and flew into he air.

And almost perfectly, their feet landed on one of the gaps as it was turning, and they stabilised themselves. Just before they were about to be thrown off, they leapt again, and grasped the edge of the other ledge, pulling themselves up with strong arms that knew exactly what to do. This was but a walk in the park for him.

"C'mon!" Tetra waved towards the other three as they stood dumbfounded. "We don't have forever!"

'Stupid goddamn Parkour artist.' Pi muttered under her breath, as she attempted doing the same.

Because Pi wasn't exactly a parkour artist, she almost fell down towards the ground, but thankfully gripped the gear before it was too late. As it was turning, her centre of gravity changed and she was back on her feet. And once again, she leapt. If it weren't for Tetra gripping her wrist at the last second, she would've fallen and broken her ankle.

Same with Quin, although he practically bellyflopped into the side of the ledge.

Lumina almost killed herself.

Their next obstacle sent a sense of dread through their souls as they gazed upon it.

Hydraulic presses slammed against the ground, sending shockwaves through the earth that shook them all to their cores. What were they even doing here?

The four of them all followed the Presses with their eyes, memorising its rhythm. There was a split second where they could all get through if they ran through fast enough one by one. And there was only one way to prove that theory.

Lumina went first.

Then Quin.

Followed by Tetra

And finally Pi.

When Pi ran through, shivers travelled down her spine as she felt something brush against her foot. Had she been a millisecond too late she would've been crushed.

A Hydraulic press that matched the appearance of the first one stood in front of them, repeating the same rhythm. They shot through that one just as speedily as the first.

But the sight they saw when they cleared it was jaw dropping.

A network of tubes protruded out of the ceiling, along with a conveyor belt to transport things to and fro specific networks. But what they were transporting...

Live human beings dropped down from the pipe, landing on the conveyor belt. Most of them landed gracefully, but a couple not so much. They all seemed awfully calm. Their eyes were dazed, like they were made of glass. They didn't react to anything. Not even the ones who landed with a sickening crack.

"What in the actual..." Lumina broke the silence between the four of them with an almost horrified expression. "Hold up... Why are they so calm...?"

'Hello? HELLO?' Quin called out. No response from any of the people being dropped onto the belt. It was almost as if they were drugged somehow.

The conveyor belt made the people travel towards the Quartet, down another pipe. It had the label "CORRUPTION". Where it leads to, well, they didn't really think they wanted to know. On the other side, however, seemed to be a safer place, another pipe, with the label "TOWER". Whatever the "Tower" was, it was definitely a better place than "corruption".

The sight was so unnatural, so jaw-droopingly weird that they all failed to notice a Level right beside them. But once they did, they instantly knew what to do.

||FINISHED|| Pink Roses (JSAB Fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now