how often | austin

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"baby?" my boyfriends raspy voice called me


"do you wanna get married one day?"


"with me?"


"i love you"

"how often do you think i don't?" i asked


"why's that austin?"

"well because i wouldn't love me if i was you, i don't even love myself as myself."

"how often do you think about me leaving?" i asked

he turned over to look at me. "everyday"

"im sorry."

"wait y/n, why?"

"because im not doing a good job at being your girlfriend if you constantly think i'm gonna walk away. aus your the greatest thing to ever come besides me so please quit the negative thoughts because i love you a lot ok?"

"your doing perfectly, it's just i see myself in ways i don't want you to see me"

"babe, quit the negative thoughts, because i love you ok?"

"but i don't know if i can"

"how often should i remind you then?"

"i have a better way"

"whats that?"

he leaned over to the nightstand next to our shared bed, he opened a box with a engagement ring inside.

"i know this sucks but i love you and i just want you to know how often i think about this moment. but right about now i wanna do this. so will you marry me y/n y/l/n?"

"of course i will, i don't care how often you doubt i love you. i love you so much aussie"

- 𝔟𝔯𝔦🎨

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