The moment I've all been waiting for

Start from the beginning

~Time skip 4 hours~

The sun had just barely began to rise when Gwen reached Alchemax, the buildings soft glow illuminated the snow around it, Gwen put on the lab coat she grabbed and clipped the badge to it. Taking a deep breath, Gwen pushed open the doors and walked to the front desk. The man at the counter looked at her "May I see your badge?" He asked in a monotone voice, Gwen unclipped her badge and gave it to the man, he looked it over thoroughly and then slid it into a machine. Gwen heard a bell sound and the lights on the machine shone green, the man then pulled her badge out and gave it back to her, "Welcome to Alchemax Ms. Mculla" and waved her along, she smiled to herself and silently thanked the doc for not using her real name. Gwen went through the metal detector process and passed that as well. Now all there was left to do is to find2 (if it existed) and get to Miles. Gwen made her way around, just wandering about the different levels, her badge got her out of the grasp of security and suspicious scientist, but her anxiety grew and grew, she hadn't found the device yet. What if it wasnt there? What if she snuck in here for nothing? What if she never saw Miles again? She leaned against the wall and sunk to the floor, it had to exist, she was to close for it not to. She sighed, stood up, and kept repeating in her head, 'Fight, find Miles, dont give up, never give up, fight'

She began wandering the halls again, but not 5 minutes went by before a group of scientists swarmed down the hall, one of them grabbed her arm. "Hey!" Gwen exclaimed, "What are you doing?", the scientists looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?" He said "Are you really going to miss The Return?"

Gwen had no damn clue what he was talking about, "The Return?" She asked, "Yea!" He said, "One of our test subjects is returning from another dimension!" Gwen felt her heart soar, it was happening, she was going to see Miles. Gwen joined the scientists as they all paraded down the hallway and into an elevator. Once they were all in one of the them called out "Sub level 10!" And it began moving. Gwen found the scientist who had talk to her.

Tapping his arm she began asking questions "So how does it work? Is it like a handheld device or a big machine? How do you control it?"
The scientists eyes lit up, like he throughly enjoyed the subject and sharing it with anyone willing to listen " Ok, so it's a handheld device that's kind of like a gloved gauntlet, theres a key pad with numbers and letters, all you have to do is type in the universe you want to visit, press enter, and enjoy the ride! It's so amazing! An absolute breakthrough in our technical...Or at least that's what I'm told" he said, getting embarrassed at the end as he realized he was rambling. Gwen gave him a warm smile, "Thanks for the update, what's your name?" The scientist smiled and extended his hand the best he could in the elevator "Barry, Barry Oscar, what's yours?" "Wanda, Wanda Mculla" Gwen said, shaking his hand.

The elevator voice silenced everyone as it called out "Welcome to, Sub level 10" the doors opened and all the scientists filed out, the silence couldn't mask the excitement shared throughout the entire room. They all sat in an observation room over a dimly lit blue room. There was a octagonal platform on the floor with wires stretched off in all directions, Barry leaned over and whisper "Those are for monitoring the subjects vitals, brain waves, body temperature, ect, ect. But the device, whenever you return, will put you in the exact spot you left, unless you change the return quardinents"

"Oooooh, cool" Gwen felt the excitement in her chest grow even more, this guy was practically giving her everything she needed to know, which unnerved her, but her excitement was to . Now all she had to do was wait, which only took about 2 minutes before an automated voice filled the observation room "Warning, 30 seconds until reentry"
All of the scientists were on the edge of their seats, Gwen started searching for a way she could get to the device, when she saw an air duct. 'Perfect' She thought to herself

"Warning, 10 seconds remain" the voice rang out again, as a small orb began to form in the middle of the platform


A bright white light filled the room, as the orb got bigger and bigger, Gwen's chances of getting to the device were growing, she started to slowly make her way towards the vent


Gwen slowly crawled into the vent, taking extra caution to make sure no one saw her, she shut the vent behind her, pulled her lab coat off and her mask on, webbed her lab coat to the vent walls


The light grew blinding as the orb reverberated causing vibrations move through the buildings structure. Then it was all over, standing on the platform was the test subject, he stood, wobbling on his feet for a minute, then sat down. The door of the observation room opened and the scientists were able to enter the room and help the subject to his feet, but not before the device was removed from his arm and layed down on a table and tray, and covered with a glass case. The scientists carried the subject out of the observation room and away down the hallway. Gwen was about to leave the vent when she heard "Wanda? You here?" In was Barry, he was looking for her. She watched him from the vent, he looked around the room before leaving.

Gwen waited until she heard his footsteps fade down the hall. Showtime. Gwen opened the vent and jumped down, keeping low as she left the observation room and entered the lab room. Once she was through the door, she stood up fully. The scientists in the room who were still working noticed her and held a look of confusion and fear, Gwen stared them down "H-hey what are you doing? Who are you!?" Gwen looked at them, and then spoke "Leave." She said in a low cold voice.

One of the scientists looked at panic button, then back at Gwen. Gwen eyed him "Dont.Even.Think about it"
The scientist turned and booked towards the button. "Shit" Gwen muttered under her breath, she shot a web out and connected it to the scientists who gave a surprised yelp. Gwen pulled them so they broke the glass case containing the dimension hopper.

The scientist was out cold and the others were already running out of the room, Gwen waisted no time, running over to the DH, she grabbed it, slipped it on, and typed in Miles's dimension. Just as she was about to press enter, guards burst in the room and aimed their weapons at Gwen, "drop the device and get on the ground!!" The guard in front yelled.

Gwen smiled under her mask, took a bow, and said "And now everyone, for the moment I'VE all been waiting for" and pressed enter, white, blue, and purple enveloped her as she was flung through a black hole. She felt the familiar feeling of being throw around, the only thing to see were  stars. She closed her eyes and waited for it to be over, then the sounds of the city came back to her, she opened her eyes and saw headed straight towards the Empire State Building. She shot a web up and pulled herself to the top, landing onto the roof.

Gwen peered over the edge. She was in New York, but...not her New York. Pure happiness filled her chest as she layed down and let out a yell of excitement. She had done it. She made it back. All Gwen could do was laugh.

Gwen's excitement and happiness disappeared as she sat up with a realization. How the hell was she gonna a tell Miles how she felt?!

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