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Paige Kersey

Paige Kersey@paigeofthekerseys

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happiest ever :,)))))))

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7:40 PM - 3rd November 2017


Paige Kersey

it feels so bizarre you guys it's so unbelievable it's been so long :,)))))

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8:10 PM - 3rd November 2017


Paige Kersey

Y'all someone should really see me being the happiest little girl ever and just capture this moment because i wanna remember it till the day i die #overdramaticasperusual #chasemedown #wherearethepapswhenweneedthemthemost

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8:18 PM - 3rd November 2017


Charlie Puth

Well she's saying the truth @paigeofthekerseys She's been laughing like Teheheheeee for about the past half an hour which makes me a bit worried about her well-being lol

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Well she's saying the truth @paigeofthekerseys She's been laughing like Teheheheeee for about the past half an hour which makes me a bit worried about her well-being lol

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8:54 PM - 3rd November 2017


Charlie Puth

@shawnmendes Come and get her man i don't care about the donuts anymore we've got issues 🤣

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9:05 PM - 3rd November 2017

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