"Oh. I'll ask Louis when we're coming back when he gets back from the store."

He sounded confused, "He left you there by yourself?"

"Yeah, he'll be right back. He just had to get something for me."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, as far as I know."

"I'll get off the phone and let you enjoy your time there."

We said bye then got off the phone. I set my phone back down on the table. I feel like he called for another reason. I know he still likes me. I guess I should tell Louis about that. I don't want to upset him though. I looked at the time and saw that Louis has only been gone for about 15 minutes. I know it's crazy but I miss him already. I got out of bed, walking into the kitchen where the wall with all windows is. I noticed that it was snowing here too. The ground was already covered. I hope Louis gets back here safe. I don't want anything to happen to him. 

After a couple minutes I heard the front door open. I know he's back. I can't help but smile a little. I walked back into the living room and saw him setting the food down on the coffee table with us some drinks and the bag from the store. I'm so happy he went and got that. I walked over to him as he smiled. He put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. He leaned down, kissing me. His lips were so soft against mine. I felt him pull me closer to him. He pulled away sooner than I wanted him to, "Are you going to take that pill now?"

"Yeah, after we eat."

He pecked my lips, "Okay, we don't any surprises."

I shook my head, sitting down on the couch. I thought that he wanted to have a kid. I mean he was the one that brought it all up. Maybe him and I can talk about it. I honestly don't even know too much of what he thinks about that anymore. I looked over at him when I noticed him pull off his hoodie. He put it on the back of the couch, grabbing our food. He handed me my part before sitting down next to me. I leaned into him as I started eating. Honestly I'm tired from last night. I mean I didn't exactly sleep very well the nights before either. I know he hasn't slept either. He deserves to sleep too. I finished eating when I noticed that he was already done. I grabbed the pill box and my drink before taking the pill. I felt him wrap his arm around me before kissing my cheek, "You look tired, love."

I smiled, "So do you."

He chuckled, "True but not like you."

I sat up, intertwining our fingers, "Let's go take a bath like we did the last time we were here."

I noticed him smirk, getting up with me. He lead me into the bathroom before turning on the water for us. He pecked my lips, pulling his shirt that I was wearing off. He set it on the counter. I reached down, pulling down his sweatpants. I noticed he didn't put underwear on earlier. I'm kind of happy that he didn't. It makes things easier. He reached down, pulling down my underwear. He moved a hand back up, running his finger tips over my tattoo. I looked at him and I noticed that he was looking at it. He mumbled, "I think it's extremely sexy that you have that tattoo."

I smiled, "Really?"

He looked back up at me, softly pecking my lips, "Yeah, I never thought that before you. I always thought that girls that had tattoos were trashy. I defiantly don't think that with you.''

I pecked his lips, "Let's get in, baby."

He turned off the water, getting in. I got in, sitting with my back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I felt him kissed my head, "What have you been thinking about, love?"

I put my hands on top of his, "Did you change your mind about wanting a kid?"

He sighed, "Honestly I would love to have a kid with you. I started thinking while you were gone. You're right it's not the time. I love you and I love how it's just us right now.''

I can't help but smile, "I like it just being us. We can't be together like this if we had a baby. Only on rare occasions."

He kissed my cheek, "Trust me, love. When we do decide to have a baby I will make sure we have time like this. I don't think I can go very long without being with you like this."

"I love you."

"I love you, baby."

I laid my head back against his shoulder when I felt his arms tighten around me. It's so relaxing being in here with him. I'm happy everything got worked out so I could come here with him. I know I'm sore from last night but that doesn't really matter because I'm here with him. I hope that things stay like they are between us right now. I don't want to be away from him like I did before. I missed him too much. I don't think I could deal with that again.

Louis' POV

I'm happy about last night. I missed Allison so much when she was gone. She needed to know how much I love her and care about her. I think she understands how much I do now. Honestly I still can't believe she agreed to last night. I mean she's still so innocent. She's not too innocent when we're in the bedroom anymore but in every other way and to everyone else she is. With how beautiful she is I can't believe she was as innocent as she was when we got together. I feel kind of bad about how I was when I first asked her to stay after class. I knew she was innocent then by the way she acted. I knew that she was going to say no to what I wanted to do. For some reason with her I wanted more than just sex. I was so used to just sex. I kind of wish I would have waited her for. She could have been my first like I was her's. Honestly she was the first virgin I've been with. She's defiantly not that anymore. If we had it my way we wouldn't leave our bedroom very much. I know she's not like that though. 

I can tell that she's sore from last night. I feel kind of bad about it. It was what we both wanted. It feels like it has been awhile for us since we've done anything. I know that it wasn't. It was about a week. I love how comfortable she is around me now. At first when we got together she was just so shy. I thought it was sexy but it's nothing compared to how she is now. At first she started blushing so easily. I could just tell that she was beautiful and she would blush. I loved it when she did that. Now she's starting to say things to me instead of blushing. For some reason I love that. I love her so much. I can't see myself with anyone other than her. I don't pay attention to the girls that throw themselves at me. I only pay attention to her. I know she gets upset about the other girls but I hope she knows I only want her. The girls in my past, they mean't nothing. They are my past because they were made to be. I didn't like being with any of those girls. I'm happy I got away from all that. I know if I didn't I wouldn't have met Allison. If I did while involved in that then we would have to sneak around more than we do now. I know even then I would find a way to be with her. She's the only person I've been with for more than one night. I knew she was different in the beginning though. She deserves way more than just one night. She deserves so much. I know she finally agreed for us to get engaged. I was thinking maybe I could do that on Christmas. I have a little bit to figure that out. It seems like a good time to do that. I know she won't be expecting it. I know I changed my mind about us having a kid anytime soon but I still want to be engaged to her at least.

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