24 - Seeing Double

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The rooftop was pulsating with a negative energy.

My hair blinded me as it whipped around my head, and I had to push it back to get a clear view of everything around us. Connor and Lucy were still asleep, and Luke hadn't moved from where he was on the ground. The fighting stopped as everyone watched on with wide-eyed terror.

Even Seth, who at any other time would've taken advantage of a distraction, stood still and stared wordlessly at the rippling portal that had suddenly appeared over the metal platform between two poles. Wires wrapped around the base of each pole. It looked like a dark vortex that was spewing energy and light.

Footsteps echoed behind me as Mara joined us in the doorway. I heard her sharp intake of breath before she said, "We're screwed. We are so freaking screwed."

"There has to be something we can do to stop it!" Elijah called out. His stringy blonde hair blew angrily around his face like a golden halo. "We've gotta close the portal before the demons cross over."

"I think we're a little late for that!" I said, pointing.

Everyone covered their ears and grimaced as a deafening screech ripped through the air. A dark shadow hovered in the entrance of the portal. It paused for a moment before trying to claw its way through.

Finally reacting, Seth ran for the gate. With his baton electrified, he slashed through the demon and it fell back into the dream world with a screech.

One of Pennington's men grabbed him from behind. Seth broke free by smashing his heel against the man's shin and then elbowing him in the gut. He then spun quickly and delivered a hard kick, sending the man flying into the portal.

"What happens if we cross through there?" Mara yelled.

"I'm not sure yet, but my advice is don't go in," Elijah responded.

"I already figured out that much for myself, Einstein."

As Elijah and Mara busied themselves with two thugs, I made a beeline for Luke. I dropped to my knees and placed my ear to his chest. I definitely heard a faint heartbeat.

"Thank God," I said, sighing in relief. "Hang in there, Luke."

He groaned slightly at the sound of my voice. I put my hands under his arms and tried to drag him to the stairwell and out of the way of all the danger, but my shoulder ached from where the demon caught me earlier in the cells.

"Try to wake Connor up!" Seth yelled to me. "We have to close the portal."

As he said this, a smaller demon coursed through the opening, knocking over one of Pennington's men in the process, who then fell over the side of the building. His screams cut off as his body collided with the ground.

This seemed to stir up panic as the rest of the men abandoned the fight, jumped over the bodies of their fallen comrades, and ran for the stairs with their tails between their legs.

"Stop running! Capture the children!" Pennington yelled angrily.

One man hesitated at the top of stairs before pulling a gun from a holster. With shaky hands, he raised it and aimed.

"No, wait—" I called out to him.

He ignored me and fired a dozen bullets at one of the demons. And just as I expected, the demon stopped the bullets in midair and then flung them back with just as much speed. One bullet lodged in the chest of the man shooting and he was thrown backwards while blood spilled from the bullet hole.

"Watch out!"

Elijah was like a blur as he ran to push Mara out of the path of a stray bullet. He wasn't quick enough and blood soaked his sleeve as the bullet grazed his arm.

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