Chapter One

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"Stop being a big baby" Calypso says to her brother who was stomping around their new house like a child.

Lorenzo whirls round to glare at his twin "I'm not a big baby, I just don't like the cold rainy weather." Calypso rolls her eyes at him and sets down another box that was full of photos and keepsakes belonging to their parents.

They had been murdered six months ago but to both of them it still felt like yesterday when they were left orphaned in the cold of the world they lived in. A few days after the slaughter, they headed back to their house to bury the dead and pack up their belongings as well as take some memories of their parents.

It took them five months to be legally allowed to live on their own at the age of seventeen without a guardian but they finally did it and were now moving into a cozy two bedroom house in a small town called Forks.

Calypso vaguely remembers her father telling her that there's a small pack of wolves residing here along with a coven of vampires who don't feast on humans.

"I don't see why you're complaining, it was rainy and cold where we use to live" Lorenzo scoffs at his sister while looking out the window at the dreary grey sky that promise some form of precipitation soon. "At least we got some sunshine. This place doesn't seem to know what sunshine is."

The blonde huffs before dragging in her suitcases that were just resting outside. Once she's brought them in she turns to her brother and places her hands on her hips "The least you could do is help me unpack."

Lorenzo turns to her and notices all the boxes and suitcases in a pile behind her. He sheepishly rubs his neck feeling like an idiot for not helping her out, after all they've only got one another now.

Seeing the look on his face, Calypso drops her annoyed look and heads over to him before wrapping her arms around him in a loving hug which he quickly returns.

"We're gonna be fine as long as we have each other" the blonde mutters into her brothers shoulder as he presses as kiss to her temple and hums in agreement.

For the next eight hours they work endlessly to set up their bare house to make it more homely and eventually it does making them both smile with pride.

Just as they go to collapse on their sofa, a knock on the door stops them. They don't know anyone here so who could it be? They find their answer when Calypso opens the door to reveal a man who looks to be in his late forties and a teenage girl who smelt spicy immediately putting the twins on edge.

The two supernatural species can smell each other, wolves smell like dogs to vampires and vampires smell like spice to wolves.

"Ah hello, I'm Charlie Swan and this is my daughter Bella, we only live down the road so we thought we would come and say hello. We don't get many new people coming to live here so it's not hard to spot a new face" The man they now know as Charlie rambles. Taking in his attire they quickly figure out that he must be a police officer by his uniform.

Plastering a smile on their faces they return the warm welcome "Hi I'm Calypso Thornton and this is my twin brother Lorenzo. Would you like to come in for something to drink?"

They agree and Calypso steps aside to allow them in. As Bella walks past her, she is able to determine that the spicy scent isn't as potent as it would be if the vampire drank human blood meaning that this girl was in close contact with the Cullen coven.

Once everyone had got drinks Charlie and her brother went into the living room to talking leaving Bella with her.

"So how you liking it in Forks so far?" The brunette asks to breaking the silence that had fallen on them. The blonde laughs into her steaming mug of coffee "It's not too bad but Lorenzo keeps complaining about the weather. Is it ever sunny here?"

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