Chapter 4

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Kara's POV

I get home to see the man I love the most in this world. My mind with questions and thoughts bouncing around every millisecond. Then I hear footsteps and see him standing right in front of me. Mon-el. Without hesitation, his hands were wrapped around me and his lips on mine. I was shocked at the current situation. He pulled away before I could do anything. "Hey," he said eyes looking right into mine. I can't really form sentences at the point " M-Mon-el what are Aren't you be in the future?" "Kara, you ok? I decided to stay remember and have Winn take my place. I chose to be with you." He said that sentence without looking away from me. I immediately gave him another hug, never wanting to let go. I can't believe he is here right now. I suddenly jump as I hear a random voice coming from my TV. "Hello? Kara?" I immediately recognise the voice, it's Alex. I walked to the living room and see Alex on the screen. "Alex?" I asked wondering why and how she was on my TV right now.

"Hey, I got a message from Cisco saying something about the reality being messed up or something. Well, I guess he's right since I can now see you through your TV, and Mon-el is still here. I'll see"

"Wait, why did you two talk about me like I wasn't supposed to be here?" Mon-el questions when he notices how Alex and I were talking.

"Can we not talk about it, I just glad I'm home with you," I tell him hoping to avoid the subject for now. I kiss him and then we sat on the couch in each other's arms. I turned on the TV and played my favourite musical for us to watch. As the credits were rolling, Alex showed up on the screen again.

"Hey, Cisco has called everyone to Barry's loft. Get to the DEO and bring Mon-el with you. We also need to call Lena. Brainy is here at the DEO with J'onn and me." Alex said urgently.

"Ya, ok I'm heading over now," I say as Alex disappears from the screen.

I grab my suit and Mon-el grabs his. We flew together to the DEO. When I landed,I saw  Alex, J'onn, Brainy, Nia, Lena and Sam. I realised that Mon-el wasn't the only one who came back because of this reality change. I wonder if the reality changes are this big in our world, what it would be like over on earth 1 with the others.

"Sam's here? I thought she left," I questioned while walking with the group to grab the breach creator.

"I did too, but apparently she didn't in her memory," Alex replied. "Just like Mon-el."

Alex grabbed the gadget and opened a breach in the middle of the DEO. We all walked through and ended up in front of Barry's door.

When we all got through, I noticed the door was open and soon so did the others. Alex got her gun out, Sam and I were ready to shoot lasers. I walked to the door and opened it slowly, "Stand down," I realised that it was just the Legends.

"Really? Were all of the power necessary?" Sara said sarcastically. "Sorry, we missed your calls, we had a time situation that we weren't exactly able to get away from. Let's just say someone messed up the timeline a lot and there was a really weird alternate reality."

"It's ok, while you were dealing with a timeline crisis, we had to stop a guy with a reality-altering book. Our realities were also really weird." I tell her amused that they were dealing with a similar situation even though the Legends weren't there with us. 

Repercussions of Changed Realities (arrowverse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now