Teddy Bear 🐻 (21)

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Billie's POV

I laid in the hospital bed next to Y/N after her spinal tap. I comfortingly stroked her hair as she slowly fell asleep. She was in lots of pain, but I slipped some painkillers into her water so she's hurting less. Finneas slowly walked in through the door, gently closing it. "Call me if you need anything, Billie." He whispered, walking up to the bed and kissing my head. "Okay, love you." "Love you too." He replied, turning and walking out.

An hour later Y/N was asleep and I was on my phone. I heard a knock and looked up. "Come in." I said. A doctor and two nurses came in, shutting the door and turning the light on. They all had masks on. "Ms.O'Connell? You're Angela's partner?" I nodded, "Yes." I said looking at them. "Is your guys' legal guardian here?" He asked. "He's at the hotel next door, should I call him?" I asked. He nodded. I called Finneas, talking to him. "They want you to come back." I said yawning.

I woke up Y/N, she sat rubbing her eyes. "You Okay babygirl?" I asked. She nodded. "Headache." I frowned and kissed her cheek. Finneas walked in and sat down. "Angela has Bacterial Meningitis. We have to move her to the intensive care unit." The doctor looked at
Y/N. "We'll have to do a CT scan on you to make sure there's no damage." The doctor nodded. "What's bacterial meningitis?" I asked. "In an inflammation of the brain and spine membranes; bacterial meningitis is the most severe form of meningitis. It can be fatal if not cured, but that's highly unlikely because you came to the hospital right when the symptoms started. It's also contagious, but being in the same room with her isn't an issue, but since you two are in a relationship I assume you've kissed or had sex recently, which can both pass on meningitis very quickly. Billie, I recommend that you don't kiss or touch Angela until she's better. Until then you can get checked in at the front and a doctor can see you and prescribe you some preventative antibiotics." I looked down at Y/N. "I'm sorry Billie." She said. "It's not your fault." I said rubbing her hand.

After she was moved they brought her into the CT scan room. "I'm sure she'll be fine." Finneas said playing with my hair. "I know." I said quietly. I'm worried. "Come on, let's go get you checked in." He said prompting me to get up. "No. Someone has to be here for when she gets back." I said sitting there. "I'll call Noah." He said opening his phone.

After Noah showed up we went to check me in and I got prescribed a bunch of shit. I'm still not gonna stay away from Y/N, I don't care if I get sick. I can't just not kiss her when she's like this. I can't control myself. I feel bad for not believing she was actually severely sick.

Soon they wheeled her back in. "No damage, but we're gonna insert some IV's and place her on a heart monitor. As this form of meningitis is extremely serious, I need to stress importance of the care Angela will be receiving. These antibiotics will cure her but only if she gets lots of rest." She said as she inserted an oven tube into Y/N. I don't remember much after.

I held Y/N's hand throughout the night, doctors coming in to drip more antibiotics through her IV every once and a while. Finneas stayed in the room too. He's probably worried about me. I'm really nervous about Y/N. As morning approached she woke up. "Billie?" She muttered. "Yes, baby?" I answered. "Have you slept?" She asked. "No, but that's okay. I wanted to be up to watch you." I confessed. I don't want Y/N to wake up and not have me around. "But Billie-" "Shhhhhh." I said kissing her on the forehead. She frowned and squeezed my hand. Finneas sat with his eyes barely open. "Billie, let's get you breakfast." He said. "I'll call Noah." I turned to Y/N. "Babygirl, do you mind if I go get something to eat? I'll be back right away. It's okay if you don't want me to leave, I can wait." I said smiling at her, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "No, no Billie you should go eat. I'll wait for you." She smiled back up at me. I nodded.

I left as soon as Noah came in. Diego's coming to the hospital to see us this afternoon. He's been busy. Apparently him and his girlfriend are having a baby soon. He's gonna be a good dad. I sat in the Uber with Finneas, laying my head on his shoulder. I'm exhausted. I don't even wanna eat, I just wanna sleep. "It's gonna be okay, Billie." He muttered.

Finneas's POV

I feel so bad for Billie. "I know. I'm just worried about her. Poor baby..." she said trailing off. "It's okay Billie. What do you wanna eat?" I asked her. She shrugged. I stopped talking- it looks like she was gonna fall asleep. Soon enough, she did. "Hey? Change of plans, can you bring us to the hotel next to the hospital you just got us from please? This one here needs a nap." The driver nodded and changed our destination. I carried Billie up to my hotel room and laid her on the bed, covering her up with blankets. I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed Y/N. She answered, looking exhausted. "Y/N honey? Is it okay if Billie sleeps up at the hotel for awhile? She fell asleep in the Uber so I took her up here. It's okay if you want her with you, I can wake her up." She shook her head, "It's okay. She needs the sleep, thanks for getting her some rest. Tell her to call me when she wakes up." I was about to say something when I felt Billie snatch my phone. "Babygirl I'm sorry for falling asleep, I'll be right there." She said looking worried. "No, Billie. Stay. Sleep. I want you to be healthy and comfortable. Take off your bra and lay down, you need to relax. Just FaceTime me so I can watch you sleep." I smiled. Billie sighed. "Okay. I call you in five minutes." She said hanging up.  "Finneas? Did you bring me my night shirt and my other clothes?" She asked. I never brought her luggage to the hospital. "Of course. It's next to the bed." I smiled. She nodded and went into the bathroom to change. She walked out wearing a red nightshirt. "Finneas you can put away my other clothes." She said. She always order me around. Bossy. I nodded and smiled.

10 minutes later she was sound asleep, Y/N watching her over FaceTime. I grabbed a teddy I was gonna give to Y/N from the gift shop and tucked it into Billie's arms, smiling at Y/N while I did so. She smiled back. I kissed Billie on the head and tucked her in, leaving her room key on the night table.

Sorry for this trash chapter! Please comment what you thought and what you want in the story next, I'm always taking suggestions!

Hostage {Kidnapped by Billie Eilish} CONTINUATIONWhere stories live. Discover now