21.) Letting it out pt.1

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Holding her breath, thinking that would help, she prayed to the Lord hoping they would not find her.

"Skylar?!... it's dad, I'm sorry sweetheart. There's a note in my safe... he can help you from there. I never meant for this to happen, Sky I love you." Simon whispered.

Hearing the tone in his voice made her heart break even more.

She went to say something until the door was kicked in.

"Where's that daughter of yours nigga!?" The deep voice asked. "This got nothing to do wit her!" Simon replied.

"Where is she?!" The male asked again. "She's at da library, please do-." BANG! BANG! BANG!


Jumping at the sounds of gunshots, Skylar held her hand over her rapidly beating heart as her body was drenched in sweat.

This was the fifth time she's had that nightmare.

She thought her night terrors were gone... guess not.

Looking around the dark room, she picked up the alarm clock then huffed seeing the time.

It was 2am.

Frustrated and still shaken up, she put the alarm clock down and swung her legs over the bed.

"Damn it." She mumbled covering her face with her hands.

Sighing, she hop down from the bed and made her way out the bedroom.

August was sleeping in the room with Briel because like Skylar, she has also been having nightmares.

Walking down the stairs, Sky cited verse 1 and 2 from Psalm 144.

"Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle."

"He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me." Walking into the kitchen, she opened the fridge and grabbed the bottle of water from the top shelf.

"I just need one good night of sleep Lord." She mumbled before she downed the water.

Tossing the empty bottle in the trash, she went and sat at the table and laid her head down.

Each time her mind wandered to the shooting she'd squeeze her eyes shut and make a fist.

For twenty minutes straight she did that.

The sound of footsteps alerted her, she looked up just as August was turning the corner.

"What you doing down here?" He asked taking a seat across from her.

The moon light was shining right on the side of her face.

"Restless." She answered playing with her bracelet.

"Lie again." He spoke standing and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the jar of peanut butter from the pantry and two spoons, he sat back down at the table and handed her a spoon.

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