Chapter Thirteen

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I don't own the characters

When Percy and Kaldur arrived at the cave no one was there. Well, it was a Monday, so they were probably at school.

When the zeta tubes announced Wally's arrival Percy looked up from whatever she was doing.

"Sup, Fish Girl," Wally said.

Percy just laughed, more like chuckled.

"How was Atlantis?" He asked.

"Well, it was pretty good, I still can't believe you guys thought we had been kidnapped."

"What were we supposed to think? You guys just disappeared!"

"Wanna spar?" Percy asked.

"Sure," Wally said.

"Okay, lets do no-powers."

Wally nodded and they walked to the sparring section of the cave. When Wally stood there waiting Percy got her handy sword, Riptide.

"Woah, that's a sword," Wally exclaimed.

"Yeah, a sword isn't a power is it? Plus it can't harm mortals as yourself."

"B-but I'm a m-metahuman," Wally stuttered.

"Give me your hand," Percy said and Wally showed her his palm. He looked pretty scared when Percy lowered the sword in slow motion, just to scare him some more. Then she sliced a, what would've been, small cut, but nothing happened, the sword just went right through him. "See?"

Then Percy quickly moved and impaled Wally. Even though the sword went straight through him Wally screamed (probably in surprise).

Then Artemis walked into the room, and quickly walked out.

Percy pulled hour sword out of the unharmed-Wally West. She smirked at his face, it was priceless and indescribable.

"You ready to spar?"

"Y-Yeah," Wally said.

Percy attacked him with her sword. Wally, of course, had no idea to defend himself from a sword that went straight through him and Percy took that to her advantage. She stabbed him in many places. Shoulder, stomach, feet, legs, arms, head.

In the end Wally was so distracted so Percy kicked his ankles so he fell to the floor. Percy quickly dropped her sword and pinned him down.

"I won."

"Yeah, whatever." Wally said and kicked at Percy's sword. The sword flew towards them and impales Percy in the shoulder. Percy grunted in pain and Wally's eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm so sorry!"

Percy gritted her teeth and said, "it's okay. I've had worse."

Percy moved and sat down on her knees.

Wally then carefully pulled the sword out of Percy's shoulder and let it fall to the ground. The blade was red, blood. Blood dripped of the sword and onto the ground. When the sword left the wound Percy yelped in pain. Then the blood started flowing. A lot of blood. Wally looked around to see if he had anything to help stop the blood with, when he found nothing he pushed his hand against the wound.

"Help! Someone!" Wally yelled and he saw Percy's eyes start to close.

"No, Percy. Stay with me," he begged, tears starting to fall from his eyes. After maybe 30 seconds Percy fell unconscious and no one had come yet.

"I don't even know where our hospital thing is," Wally said to himself.

Then he realized, Black Canary! She would know what to do, but where was she? Probably in the living room or something. Wally scooped Percy up and carried her, bridal style. She ran and know that he couldn't apply pressure to the wound, a lot of blood flowed from the wound. The blood left a trail from where he first started running. He had to run at a normal pace, because otherwise the a lot more blood would flow, that and he might trip in the blood.

"Black Canary?!" He asked when he came to the living room. She immediately looked up from the couch her relaxed expression quickly turning into one of horror and worry.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I'll tell you later, we need to help her. She's loosing blood, fast."

Black Canary ran over to them and then guided Wally to the infirmary. They lay Percy on one of the hospital bed and hooked her up to an IV. She looks so pale, Wally thought. Black Canary cleaned the wound carefully. "Oh, god, Wally, what happened?"

"We were sparring and she was using her sword that doesn't harm 'mortals' and then she had me pinned and I kicked the sword and it flew towards us and impaled her in the shoulder."

Black Canary nodded and then treated the wound. Wally was nervous through the entire procedure. This was all his fault. All his fault, all his fault. He kept repeating the words in his head before he couldn't hear anything else.

It went like that for a few minutes before Black Canary shook her to reality. "Wally, you need to leave. You can't be here while I help her."

Wally nodded slowly and walked out of the room, this was all his fault. Because he was a sore loser Percy had been impaled in the shoulder. He was the worst loser ever.

"Wally, are you okay?" Robin asked as he looked up at Wally's tear stained face.

"It's all my fault," he said.

"What's your fault?" Robin asked.

Then Wally went on to explain what had happened.


When Percy woke up all she saw was white, a white ceiling. A groan escaped her lips. She looked at her surroundings, white walls, beige seats, light brown beside tables and a bunch of hospital beds. Where was she? A hospital? Did the mountain have one? Hopefully it did. She looked at the bedside table closest to her. On it there was a calendar. She looked at the date and it hit her. How long had she'd been asleep? Two weeks? No, it couldn't be! Sure, she'd been impaled in the shoulder, but she couldn't have been unconscious for two weeks! Beside the calendar there was a black pad and a note. The note said that when she woke up she had to press her thumb against the pad and the team would be alerted. For the first 5 days they'd taken turns sitting by her side, but 2 weeks was a little too long. Percy put the note down and pressed her right thumb against the black pad.

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