yoonshit: be safe

yoonshit: are you sure you're fine?

yoonshit: are you not upset?

me: why would i be upset

yoonshit: because you spent the last few years devoted to someone and it just ended

me: lol i'm fine

yoonshit: i hope you are

me: i am

yoonshit: call me if you need me

(Third Person POV)

Yunjin was once again at the club. The music was booming loudly and a guy was starting up a conversation with her.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing here?" he asked.

"If I am honest, I don't know. I've been feeling impulsive for a few days and I want to do something wild."

"Wild huh? I can show you something wild," he answered licking his lips a little as he eyed her body.

"You could hm? I have a feeling I already know what you are insinuating," she answered.


She thought about it for a moment, "Sure, where do you want to go?"

The guy smirked taking her by her waist and leading her out. He led her to a nearby hotel and checked into his room. Soon enough, clothes were discarded and the two were at it.

After a round or two, Yunjin was getting redressed and the guy watched before handing her a piece of paper.

"Call me if you want to fuck again," he said.

She looked at him and took the paper from his hand before walking out of his room without another word. As she made her way down the elevator, she opened the piece of paper and read it. The elevator dinged for her to get off and she stepped out dropping the piece of paper in the trash bin.

She eventually made it back to her place through a taxi and she stepped into her home before closing the door sliding down it to the ground. A lump in her throat started forming as she tried to suppress her tears. She then finally let out a soft sob. She felt so dirty having spent the past few nights sleeping with various men trying to compensate for her hurt. All the years of denying and forgiving her cheating now ex-boyfriend was surfacing. She had spent so much energy telling herself she's fine. Obviously, she was not. The past few years she had spent loving her unfaithful boyfriend, trying to fix herself so he would desire her more than other girls. While doing so, pain and sadness was slowly building inside of her and continued to through the breakup and till now.

She felt alone and her sobs continued on filled with hurt and sadness. Her phone began buzzing and kept bussing until she finally checked it. A phone call from Namjoon. She sniffled and sucked up her crying before answering.

"Hey Namjoon!" she said shakily as she tried to sound normal.

"Hey Yunjin, I heard about what had happened and I wanted to make sure you're fine."

"Thank you and I am fine, thank you for checking up on me."

"I'm glad you're okay. It's late so go get some sleep."

"Alright, I will."

She ended the phone call and soon enough, the tears began coming out again. Namjoon, on the other hand, felt something was off so he texted Yoongi in hopes of Yoongi being able to get the truth from her. Yoongi, after hearing from Namjoon, decided to pay Yunjin a visit.

Once Yoongi had arrived at her place via his car, he knocked on the door before just unlocking it through the code. Upon entering, he was greeted with his sobbing friend on the ground.

"I told you to call me if you needed me," he said.

"I'm fine, you can go home," she said trying to suppress her sobs again.

"Clearly you are anything but fine," he said helping her up and onto her couch.

She looked at him before tears started coming down again. Yoongi watched her before grabbing a tissue and handing it to her.

"I knew something was off when you said you weren't upset. No one who was as invested as you were in the relationship could be fine after a breakup," he said to her softly.

She wiped her face with the tissue and shook her head, "I thought, I thought I would be fine."

"You're a fucking idiot," Yoongi said.

"I know I am," she said looking at him.

"Stop going to the clubs and just deal with how you're feeling straight on."

Yunjin stared at Yoongi for a minute before she pressed her lips against his, kissing him. As much as Yoongi wanted to kiss her back, he couldn't. He knew it would lead to other things and it will not be good for Yunjin considering her state and situation. He pulled away and sighed.

"You should get some rest Yunjin," he said softly.

Yoongi then helped her get ready for bed and by then she had no tears left to cry. He tucked her into bed before he left her home with the feeling of her lips on his lingering.


a/n - this was rough, i'm sorry guys

friends 》mygTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon