Midoriya Izuku x Quirkless! Reader

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In all honesty, I kinda hate this chapter. Idk I don't like it but here ya go.
(R/n) = Random name


Your POV

Yeah I'm quirkless. So what? I won't ever let that stop me. Never. So what I don't have wings, or strength, or I can't shoot fire out of my hands. I'm happy being the person I am. Working at a cafe in the middle of Japan. My life is great!

"Hey little girl why don't you take a seat on daddy's lap?" Shoot. I forgot about that part. Let's just say its a maid cafe so a lot of pervs come in and try to get us to do dirty things with them. Gross.

"No, thank you sir, I am only here to get your order. So please, what can I get for you?" I sighed, asking the man for his order.

"Did you not here me? My order was for you to get on my lap." He said, causing me to sigh.

"Sir, please. I am only trying to do my job. Do not make me call my manager and get you kicked out. I can do that if you like." I said, glaring at him slightly. He growled, standing and leaving the cafe. I sighed, walking to the counter.

"Another perv?" My co-worker, (R/n), asked. I sighed, nodding my head, which caused her to giggle.

"At least my shift is almost over." I said, smiling slightly. After about ten more minutes of taking orders and giving them to my co-workers at the counter, it was time for me to go home. I went to the changing room and changed from the maid outfit into a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I grabbed a medium coffee from the counter and left the building. Sadly, it was already dark, so it was freezing cold. As I was walking home, I got a chill down my spine, as if I was being followed and watched. I quickened my pace, trying to get home faster. Out of nowhere, I was pushed into an ally. My phone flew out of my hoodie pocket, breaking on the ground.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?!" I shouted, looking at who shoved me. I glared at the man. He was the same man from the cafe that was being a pervert.

"Ya know, what you said to me at the cafe wasn't very nice." His words were slured slightly and his breath smelled like straight alcohol. I gritted my teeth.

"I don't care. Now let me go!" I said, trying to fight him. His eyes began to glow slightly and flames began to lick up his arms. They slowly grew closer to my face, causing me to yelp from the heat of them. I glared at him, trying to push him away. He growled, smacking me with his flames. I yelped, failing to the ground. Tears pricked my eyes, but I would never let this waste of space make me cry.

"Come on baby let me see that quirk!" He said causing me to sigh.

"Listen mister. If I actually had one, I would have destroyed you by now." He growled, kicking me down the ally. I yelped, my back slamming against the wall. The man began to surround me with flames, causing me to whimper.

"What do you think you are doing?!" I looked up, my vision blurry with tears and pain. All I could see was a slight blur of green before I fainted.

-time skip-

I groaned, blinking my eyes open only to close them again from the brightness of the room. Still groaning, I sat up. I could barely remember the events of last night. As I looked around the room I realized it was a hospital room with an IV pump and a heart monitor. I sat up, wincing at the pain in my side and on my arms. A lady rushed into the room, sighing once she saw me.

"Ma'am you should not be sitting up. You have two broken ribs and multiple third degree burns. Your body isnt ready for you to be moving yet!" I tilted my head.

"W-who are you?" I asked, causing the lady to sigh.

"I am Dr. (different R/n). You were brought here last night after you were found being beat and burned to death by a drunken man. The pro hero Deku saved you from him." She said, causing me to nod.

"Can you call him for me? I would like to ask him some questions please." I asked and she nodded, leaving the room. I laid back down, looking out of the window and sighing. After about thirty minutes, the door opened once more, revealing Dr. (Dr/n) and Deku following her. Dr. (Dr/n) nodded at Deku amd left the room.

"Hello, Dr. (Dr/n) said that you wanted to speak with me?" He asked, sitting in the chair that was next to my bed.

"Yes. I wanted to know how you became a hero. Its no secret that you were quirkless until around 15, and that your quirk just magically appeared, but how? It doesn't make any sense. And also, why did you save a quirkless girl like me?" He sighed looking at me.

"In all honesty, it was a miracle that I got a quirk. I never expected to receive one. It was randomly there. Also, if I had just let you die because of that man I wouldn't be a true hero." He said, glancing at me. "Oh, I never got your name."

"O-oh its (Y/n). And one last thing because I know that you are most likely very busy and I don't want to hold you from work, so thank you." I said, smiling and waving as he left.

-time skip-

I've been out to the hospital for a few days now and I'm finally able to go back to work. Thankfully I only got a few scars in places that aren't noticeable. Once I walked into the building, the girls hugged me, crying over how much they had missed me. After about a hour of working and taking orders, the door bell rang, causing me to look up out of habit. I smiled once my eyes met with green ones. My co-worker led him to a table and I skipped up to his table, holding up my notepad and pin out. I stood next to the table and smiled at him.

"Hello Deku! How may I serve you?" I asked, still smiling. He smiled back at me.

"Nice to see you again (Y/n)." He said, continuing with his order. After I gave him is order, my co-worker told me to take a break and go sit and talk with Deku. I agreed, sitting at Deku's table. We talked about many things, including our careers and our life's.

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