Chapter 6: News

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The sound of a bell rang as you entered the cafe. You looked around and spotted Taylor's twin brother, Xander. He smiled and waved at you. You walked over to him. You met Xander when he went to your work to drop off Taylor's car keys - he went to take it to the repair shop. Taylor mentioned how he owns a dance studio and suggested that you checked it out. That weekend, you went to his studio and have gone there since.

"Hey". He greeted you while pulling out your chair to sit. You mouthed a thank you. "So, what do you want to do after this?"

"Already want to plan ahead, huh?" You cracked a small smile. A waitress walked over to your table and set down your orders. You looked over at Xander. "And you already ordered for me".

"Taylor mentioned how you like (favorite drink), so.." He gestured toward your drink. You grabbed it and took a small sip.

"Thanks". You placed the cup down on the table.

"Well, I was thinking, if you don't have any ideas, that we could go catch a movie then grab dinner at -" Xander's voice fell from your ears as the television in the cafe played the news. Your eyes widen and your jaw dropped. Xander noticed and followed your eyes toward the screen.

"Earlier today, six Arkham Asylum inmates escaped-" Pictures of the escapees. Your eyes went straight to the mugshot of Jerome. He was smiling this eerie smile that you never have seen before. It sent chills down your spine. You began to take large breaths.

"No no no no no no" Xander turned to you, confused. You shook your head.

"(y/n), what's wrong?" He put his hand on yours. Your eyes never left the screen. "(y/n)?"

"He can't be out, he just can't". Your heart began to beat rapidly.

"Who?" Xander stood up and went to your side. You finally turned to him, eyes widening even more.

"He's going to kill you". You raised your hand to your forehead. "And he's going to kill me for even being seen with you! Oh, what have I done?!" Xander noticed how you began to have a panic attack. He grabbed his coat and helped you stand up. "Okay, let's take you home".

You paced around your apartment. Shiba began to get agitated just by seeing you panic. Taylor and Xander stood in your living room, staring at you. You had just told them about your life in the circus and Jerome. You began to fidget with the golden necklace in your hands. "And now that he's out, he's going to be coming after me. I just know it".

"You... dated... as psychopath" Were the only words that came out of Taylor's mouth. Xander gave a light slap on his sister's shoulder. She turned to him, mouthing 'what'. He turned to you.

"Look, (y/n)" He walked up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop you from pacing around. "He's not going to harm you. The GCPD will handle this and both Taylor and I will stay with you to keep you safe"

"What did you mean by he's going to kill Xander?" Taylor's brows furrowed. You glanced at both of them before letting out a deep breath.

"I broke up with Jerome that day at the precinct". You began to explain. "As I left, he yelled that I was going to regret it. I knew that if I ever dated anyone ever again with the chance of him getting out, he'll come after me and kill them. He's quite territorial. Which, saying that out loud makes this necklace have a whole other meaning".

You glanced down at the piece of jewelry. Xander held your hands and took the necklace. He placed it down on the coffee table. You looked at him. Staring at the direction of the spare room, you clenched your jaw. "I thought I could move on..."

They looked at you. Tears began to form in your eyes. "But like they say, 'you never forget your first love'".

Xander pulled you into a hug. You began to cry. You wrapped your arms around him. Taylor joined the hug, wrapping her arms around the both of you. You felt safe in their arms. It's been so long since you last felt safe. Since you last felt like you could truly trust someone. Ever since Jerome, you were always alert of the people you let into your life. You never wanted this to happen.

"What made you fall for him in beginning?" Taylor turned to you, holding one of the photos you had of Jerome. You had wiped your tears and calmed down. Deciding that you could trust the two with your life, you showed them the spare room. They looked around all the photos and gifts you had of red-head. "I mean, other than his looks".

You smiled at the joke. Uncrossing your arms, you grab a photo of the two of you in the circus. Jerome had his arms around you and was kissing your cheeks in the photo. The two of you looked so happy. You remember thinking that he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.

"It was everything about him". You began, grabbing their full attention. You caressed the photo with a sad smile. "It was the way he talked. The way he laughed. The way he stood up for me whenever there was a problem. The way he protected me from perverts. The way he looked at me as if I was a rare jewel. He treated me like a princess when we began to date. He knew exactly what I wanted before I even had to say anything. He could see me right through me... I truly loved him and I thought he loved me too".

Tears began to fall again. You sniffed and put the photo back down. The phone began to ring and Xander offered to answer it in case it was Jerome. You stopped him though. "It's probably detective Jim Gordon, I had told him to call me to keep me updated on the situation. I'll get it".

You then left the room to pick up the phone. Upon answering, you let out a breath of relief when you heard the detective's voice. "(y/n) are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine". You replied. "My friends are keeping me company. Any news?"

"None so far". Gordon let out a sigh. You could tell that he was exhausted. "We're going to send a couple of our cops to head over to your place".

"Okay, thank you, detective". You glanced over to Shiba. "With a snake on my side and the GCPD, I feel safer".

The two of you eventually hang up. You walked over to Shiba and took her out of your cage. "Come, girl".

You walked back to the spare room, stopping at the sight before you. Two men that were covered in all black held their guns against Taylor's and Xander's heads. A woman stood behind them, her arms crossed over her chest. The lights were turned off and her mask only covered a bit of her face. But you knew exactly who was standing in the middle of the room. The lights flicked back on and there he stood. Jerome Velaska.

"Oh, honey! I'm home!"

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