“Hey, you okay?”, I asked and sat in front of him,7fn after ordering a beer for myself.

“Tae, am I a bad person?”, his question was unexpected.

“No, you’re not. What’s with that question?”.

“Why do I hurt the people around me? First, there’s Yoongi. Then there’s Na Eun”.

I understood that he’s guilty about having a relationship with Yoongi but can’t return what Yoongi has to offer and for Na Eun? That confused me, “Why? What about her?”.

“I think I hurt her ........ emotionally”.


“I insulted her, Tae”.

I hate seeing my friends like this. “Jimin, by now, I think you already know what she means to you, right?”.

Jimin drank his beer until it was empty. “Yes, I am in love with her”.

I took a sip from my glass of beer ,“Truth hurts. So, what now?”.

“What do you expect me to do? Break up with Yoongi? Hell, no”, Jimin shook his head.

“Don’t you think you’re being unfair to him and yourself?”.

“Tae, how can I fall in love with a girl when I am not even a straight guy?”.

“Shit, Jimin! You’re still denying the fact that a guy, like us, can fall in love with a woman”.

“Don’t rubbed it in, Tae and right now I don’t fucking trust myself because I know that I will just hurt both of them”.

I watched as Jimin emptied another bottle.

“Look, I’m sorry I overdid my job as a photographer earlier and the kissing part was over the edge”.

“Well, even that giraffe guy, loved the kissing part. I can’t blame him, I would be glad if I was on his place”.

It’s not Namjoon’s fault to be tall, but I’m in no place to argue with this drunk little mochi.

“Do you think, getting drunk will let you forget your present dilemma?”.

“I hope so”, he’s head is already hanging low.

“Why don’t you just accept the truth?”.

“What truth?”.

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Jimin. Tell Yoongi what you really feel and then confess to Na Eun”.

“Then what, Tae? What if she doesn’t have the same feelings as me?”.

“At least you told her”.

“That I am a shithead of a bestfriend, not just for ruining our friendship but also for taking her virginity”.

“Grow up, Jimin! Oh, the right word should be .... man up, Jimin!”.

“Oh shut the fuck up”.

“You’re so annoying. What’s so difficult by saying ‘I am in love with you, Na Eun’”.

“You’re in love with my cousin, Tae?”.

Both Jimin and I, turned to looked at the owner of that voice and we were so surprised to see Jungkook with a confused expression on his face.

Fuck me! I told myself.

Fuck me! I told myself

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Now Jungkookie, before anything else, please let them explain 🤔🤔🤔

Confused Heart (PJM.FF) [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now