Chapter one: Broken peace

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S: Hi guys, did anyone miss me? Well sorry to "disappear" for such along time. xD

Long Di: Do you have any good explanation for the readers? *Polishes his sword*

S: *Gulps* Well I have been enjoying my Chinese New Year holiday~ And after the holiday, my laptop suddenly exploded and my laptop was on fire.

S: Since I save my previous work in my laptop so... the next chapter of "Something you can't forget." is also being save in my laptop.

Long Di: Hm, so I assume this is the next chapter of "Something you can't forget"?

S: Sadly no, until my laptop is fixed there will be no update for "Something you can't forget" (Sorry!!!)

Long Di: Hm? So what is this chapter about?

S: Oh this chapter will be the brand new prologue for my new story "Iron will Fire soul" Also my fellow writer "fireandice829" also published a new story "Saving the future" so I plan to write a new story too.

Long Di: ... You sure about this? You have five more stories still haven't reach 20 percent of their own progress.

S: What? I can't hear you?!~~~

Long Di: *sighs*Well since the author decides to play deaf, lets just begin the story shall we

Let's begin

The Third Shinobi War was the third of the four shinobi wars that involved the majority of the shinobi villages. It took more than ten years to end the war and for the peace to return. Because of a decline in national power, the reign of the Five Great Countries was crumbling.

Along their borders, skirmishes with smaller nations broke out all the time. The prolonged conflicts gradually spread their flames far and wide, until, at last, it developed into an all-out war.

The conflict turned into an unprecedented war of attrition, tormenting all nations with a shortage of war potential. Including a great power like Konoha, very young children, some of whom were barely out of the Academy were thrown onto the battlefield, eventually losing their young lives during the war.

The battle continue, the flame of war was being spread to the entire land of elemental nations, Shinobi no matter their age, old men or children can all being seen on the battle field, fighting each other. All of them fill their own desire and intention to battle, some fight for honor, some fight for fortune, some fight to revenge but them all have one same desire- to win the war no matter what!

The war seems to favour Iwa, Kumo and Mizu's alliances. They have successful destroyed Konoha's strongest ally- Uzu. After the fall of Uzu, Konoha and Suna's coalition force's moral began decreasing greatly as they lost their barrier from east. Without Uzu, Mizu's navy forces can attack from the east, and Kumo and Iwa may attack from the north.

But just as the war seems benefit to the three alliance nations, a Shinobi from Konoha, the student of the famous Toad Sage- Namikaze Minato single handedly killed an entire army from Iwa and Kumo, turning the favor toward Konoha. The people who saw him and lived state that his speed is so fast that his enemy didn't even know what hit them before they died.

The Hero that defeat entire army all by himself gain the title "Konoha's Yellow Flash". He causes their enemy to not advance anymore and slowly being push back to their own border.

Just as Konoha and Suna alliance forces almost reach the capital of Iwa, the leader of Konoha- the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to end the war there and pull back their troops.

Iron will Fire soulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें