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Before we start, I have an important question. Nottie or Shiall? Speak now or forever hold your peace (:

September 2nd 2018

"Wow... a little boy." Lottie said, a hand resting on her bump as she and Niall walked out the doors of the clinic. She was almost 6 months along, but every time they'd gone to an ultrasound up until that point, the baby had been in the wrong position and they hadn't seen the gender. Finally, at nearly six months they'd found out.

"Yeah... wow" Niall said with wide eyes, all of this becoming much more real to him now. He was going to have a son, soon. The baby was due December 26th.

Lottie smiled a little, as they walked out to Niall's car. He opened the door for her, and she slid in, thanking him.

The two had become more comfortable around each other, and would talk about anything and everything.

"So, how're things going with Shawn?" She asked as Niall drove. He was driving them to Harry and Louis' house, as they were helping Harry with something he'd planned for Louis.

"They're good. He's finally accepted that I'm going to have a child, and he's actually kind of excited to be part of his life." Niall said with a smile.

"That's great then." Lottie said, trying to ignore the pang of sadness that shot through her heart.

The rest of the drive was pretty quiet, as they both were thinking about seeing Louis. Neither one had seen him in a while, and they hoped he was doing alright.


Harry was sitting in his rocking chair, Louis cradled in his arms as he rocked him slowly and singing to him quietly, when he heard the knock at the door.

Carefully, he got up, Louis still in his arms, and headed toward the door. "Hey guys" Harry greeted with a smile, "Come in," He opened the door wider to let them in.

"Hi Harry, Hi Lou." Lottie said with a sad smile. Her sweet brother no longer recognized her, he didn't recognize anyone anymore, except sometimes Harry.

"He's getting so skinny..." Niall whispered when he looked at Louis.

"Yeah, he's barely eating." Harry explained, as Louis just lay in his arms, his head pressed against Harry's chest. "I can only get him to eat once a day, if that."

"That's horrible.." Niall said sadly, looking at his best friends. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, and closed his eyes for a second to compose himself. "So, the surprise? What did you need help with?"

"I'll take you to the backyard and show you," Harry replied, "Lottie would you mind watching over Lou?"

"I'd love to." Lottie smiled as Harry led her to the living room. He carefully lay Louis on the couch, "He can't sit up on his own, but he seems to like lying on the couch and looking around. He sometimes will even smile or make a soft hum if you hold his hand or stroke his hair." Harry explained.

Lottie nodded, sitting down on the couch, with Louis' head in her lap. She combed her fingers through his hair, speaking to him softly about his nephew that was on the way.

Harry smiled at the siblings, and headed outside with Niall. "So I was thinking of stringing some lights, and setting up a little romantic picnic. I've got a picnic blanket, rose petals, and candles." He listed, wanting to do something really special for his husband.

"Wow, you really have prepared. Of course I'll help set it up" Niall smiled, "What's the occasion?"

"I really messed up. There was this guy Nick, and I thought he was trying to be friends with Louis and I," Harry explained, "But it turned out he wanted me to abandon Louis and date him instead." he shook his head with disgust, "He said the most awful things about Louis, right in front of him too."

"Oh Harry, that's awful. Don't blame yourself though, you weren't to know." Niall said as they started to string the lights, "I know Louis would forgive you if he knew."

Harry nodded, tears glistening in his eyes. It seemed that he couldn't stop himself from crying lately. "Yeah, but I still feel so guilty ya know?"

Niall nodded, "Yeah, I understand. I betrayed Shawn and it still eats me up inside every time I see his face."

Harry stayed silent not knowing how to respond to Niall's comment, but luckily Niall kept talking.

"Which brings me to my next point... I think I love Shawn but I also think I love Lottie." Niall said quietly. "And I don't know who to choose, but it's not fair of me to be doing this."

Harry sighed as he finished up hanging the lights, "I guess you just have to decide which one you'd do anything for. The one you want to spend all your time with. The one whose happiness if your own happiness. The one whose needs come before your own. The person who gives you those feelings, is the one you belong with."

"Thanks H," Niall replied, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked deep in thought.

When they'd finished setting everything up, they went back inside to find Louis staring up at the ceiling, as Lottie was playing with his hair.

Harry thanked Lottie and Niall for their help before turning his full attention to Louis. "Hi boo... I have a surprise for you my love."

Louis turned his head to face Harry, making eye contact with him. Harry put a hand on his hollow cheek, and just looked into his blue eyes for a moment, seeing a spark of light in them, before it dimmed again. He kissed Louis' forehead, before wrapping his favorite soft green blanket around his shoulders, and picking him up bridal style.

"We're gonna go outside Lou." He told his tiny husband, who at this point weighed a mere 34 kilos (75 pounds.)

Louis looked around as Harry carried him outside, the world around him just not making any sense to him. Harry brought him over to the picnic blanket that he'd set up, sitting down and holding him propped up against his chest.

"I'm really sorry boo. I wanted to make it up to you." Harry said softly, "I really didn't realize what Nick was trying to do, and I wouldn't have befriended him if I did." He sighed, looking up at the sky. "I hope this makes it up to you."

Louis didn't say a word of course, but he did however, tilt his head up toward Harry and gave him the tiniest of smiles. And that was all Harry needed.

Sorry for the boring chapter :P I'm having some major writers block but just trying to write through it. Wow, I can't believe we're already at chapter twenty two, we're nearing the end of this book you guys.

Anyway, I hope you're all having a wonderful day. Question: I'm planning out the next book I write, and I'm considering a few different things. Would you guys be interested in seeing a story about Anorexia, ALS, Cancer, Blind/Deaf, or Cerebral Palsy? Leave your thoughts below xx

also I know those are all very sad ideas, but writing things like this is a way for me to let out emotion. Additionally, I like to bring awareness to different topics. I started with Alzheimer's as it is a commonly misconceived disease.

All the love xxxx


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