Chapter 19

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(Me, writing chapter: Very serious, good. Me, drawing chapter art: Mmmm, ponytail Shiro. Quick note, despite appearances, this isn't going to be Shallura)

Shiro stopped suddenly. A trail of destruction was leading through the jungle. Not large destruction; just a person having trouble getting through the vegetation. Hunk was probably leaving a similar trail behind them, he thought wryly. Still, it was a clue.

Shiro moved along the trail, emerging in a clearing. Pidge was sitting on the ground, her knees curled to her chest, staring at a sword that was lying on the ground blankly.

"Pidge! Daxton told us—"

"That I was stuck in a trap? I got out. And- where the hell is Daxton?! If he wasn't with Keith, and he wasn't with you—"

"Wait, you saw Keith?"

Pidge started to tremble. "Y-yes, and- I'm sorry, Shiro, but they got away, and I couldn't stop them and I'm so sorry!"

"Pidge, calm down. Tell me what happened. Slowly."

Pidge took in a shuddering breath. "I came to this clearing, and Keith and some- some giant crocodile thing were fighting. Keith was- well, he was getting his butt handed to him. And I was going to help him- I got into a tree, and I shot my clawshot into the monster's head, and then I was kind of on his shoulders and trying to knock him out or get him to drop Keith, but then some lady just appeared out of nowhere and she touched the crocodile thing and then- then they just disappeared! And—" she let out a shuddering breath. "And Keith disappeared with them."

It was all Shiro could do not to slam his fist into the nearest tree and scream. They had Keith. They had his best friend, the kid that he'd taken care of, the kid that he'd nursed back to health, the kid who had driven a small fishing boat out to sea and crashed it into the ocean trying to find him. The kid who had considered a bullet wound a minor inconvenience and charged out onto an island. The kid who casually struck up acquaintances with mermen and didn't even think twice before helping slaves escape. That adorable, lovably impulsive, headstrong, instinct-following kid who had shaken Shiro's life up and charged right ahead with him, there for every step of the way.

"Right, then," Shiro remarked in a falsely casual tone, "We were planning on stopping at the thakalthi's island tomorrow anyway. We just have a new objective. Rescue Keith." His eyes hardened. "And turn that blasted witch into dust while we're there."


Keith yelled in surprise as he reappeared in a cage. The strange woman was outside of the cage, purring something to the warlord- he heard the name Zarkon. Keith's legs wobbled, and he collapsed to the ground. All of the abuse that he'd taken during his fight with Zarkon came rushing back in a whirlwind of pain, and blackness threatened the edges of his vision.

No. I can't pass out. Not here. Not now.

But still, breathing was difficult. His bruised windpipe protested loudly every time he inhaled, and something in his chest didn't feel right- he was willing to bet that he'd cracked a rib and gained a bruise or two.

Or fifty, he amended as he moved ever so slightly, and his muscles cramped. He focused on his breathing, rubbing his throat where Zarkon had grabbed it. Okay. He had to take stock of his situation. His sword had been left behind. His knife was still in his belt. He had no idea where he was, and he was locked up. They were in a cave, and he was willing to bet that a creepy lady like this one lived in an outright maze of tunnels.

The woman approached his cage, looking down at him scornfully. "Rat," she muttered.

Keith snarled and rammed against the bars of the cage, knowing it wouldn't get him anywhere, but wanting to hurt the woman, or at the very least, startle her. She stared unflinchingly at him.

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