"Woah!" Sage laughed, grabbing the younger women's shoulders. "Relax."

"Calm down, Paige. Everything will be ok." Hunter nodded, "We got a therapist and Sage bought some of your favorite Girl Scout cookies. The one that comes from the purple box!"

"I don't want cookies!" Paige snarled, glaring up at the two. Get to the lab. Get to the lab. "I need to go back to the lab!"

"She's addicted," Hunter whispered to Sage, who nodded. "I told you!"

Sage took a deep breath before sending a punch at Hunter's shoulder. "Paige, your mission is to get rest."

My mission is to clean this world and get revenge. My mission is to get to my lab. Paige grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Sage, I'm really close. Please!"

"No." Hunter answered before Sage could. "You need to rest." Hunter stared at his sister; he couldn't even recognize her. Something was off.

"I'm not tired!" Paige screamed, shoving Sage and running off. Everyone knew, Paige was quicker than Hunter. It was why she was asked to hunt vampires from time to time.

"Paige!" Sage whined, slowly getting to her feet.

"Get back here, Paige!" Hunter was sprinting out the door, weaving through people as they cleared a way for the Kills.

"When I catch you," Hunter warned. Paige slowly became smaller as she ran towards the forest. He heard the alarm blaring, knowing Sage was sending a warning signal. This wasn't the first time a hunter refused to rest when he or she was injured.

Paige didn't hesitate to run into the forest, running in a loop to get the research lab. When she stopped, she was barely even huffing. It was like she just slept all day. She wasn't even tired.

She fully shoved people into the wall, hip checking them to the side. She kicked open her door, actually smelling her blood soaking with the mutt's and blood sucker's. She smiled, quickly turning it on after closing and locking the door.

We have been playing too many games. She chuckled, watching the blood blend together. Her time would be coming soon, and Paige couldn't wait. She was ready for a world where nobody would go through what she did.

No werewolves.

No vampires.

Only humans as the dominant species.

She smiled at her finished product. In the distance, she could still hear the warning alarms. Her brother and Sage would still be running through the forest, putting their lives in danger to find her.

It was too late. Nothing could undo what she did next.

 Nothing could undo what she did next

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Author's Note:

Welcome back to HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER?! Even I'm surprised I got a chapter up. I mean, I still haven't really been updating my other uncompleted book: THE TIME WILL COME. So sorry if I have any other those readers here.

Any readers who have been waiting for this book to get updated, you could always check out THE TIME WILL COME. It had twenty-one chapters so far, and it should be getting twenty-two soon. I'm not promising anything, but it would be cool if I get some motivation from the number of reads per chapter, number of votes, number of followers, and maybe even the number of comments.

Bored out of your mind, around the ages of the younger readers, I have another book called HOWLING AT THE MOON AND STARS. I'm warning you here, that is the first book I wrote here. Mistakes will be seen and, hopefully, caught.

What to read a book with one chapter? I have THE DYING OCEAN. It was a story that was part of the #planetorplastic movement.

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