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Y/N Rose. He seemed like a normal boy. The only problem was that he was a little different. He was Smarter, Stronger, and Faster than all the other students. Not to mention he doesn't act like a kid should. He acts more like and adult than a kid. His family had him tested and the doctors said nothing was wrong with him. His Mother is Summer Rose, His Sisters are Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long. He's not very fond of his Father Tai Yang Xiao Long, but he puts up with it for Yang. He doesn't like his Uncle either. He thinks that Qrow is a bad Influence on Ruby. Y/N may be a year younger than Yang, but he's smarter than her. But Y/N holds a dark secret. The reason he acts the way he is, is because of his soul. He has the soul of the Most dangerous man in existence. Madara Uchiha. He tried to destroy the Shinobi World, killed thousands of people, and even captured the Tailed Beasts. Right now Y/N is outside meditating.

Y/N: *why does my soul have to be in such a small body. I know I'm a child again, I couldn't have been an animal or something*

The truth is Madara is still Y/N. After he was named by Summer, Madara accepted the name Y/N. But ever since Summer died the Family hasn't been normal. Y/N finished meditating and walked inside the house.

Ruby: Big Brother!!

Y/N looked at Ruby with the same emotionless expression.

Y/N: yes?

Ruby: can you play with me? Please!!

He was about to say no, but Ruby used her secret Weapon

Y/N: *Why..... I'm the Strongest Shinobi in existence...... And I'm beaten some stupid eyes. DAMN YOU HASHIRAMA!!!* *SIGH* okay

Ruby: YAY!! YOU'RE IT!!

She then used her semblance to run away. Y/N shrugged and followed the Rise Pedals. He followed them upstairs. When he reached the top of the stairs he saw the pedals went in three different directions.

Y/N: she's getting smarter

He walked to the middle of the Rose.Pedals

Y/N: *this always works* Red Robbins!!

Their was no reply.

Y/N: hmm that usually works.

He looked around the house more and couldn't find her. He ran all around the house and couldn't find her. He went outside and saw her Rose Pedals going into the forest. Y/N placed his hands together

Y/N: Limbo Hengoku

Y/N shadow started to move. Four 'clones' came out of the shadow and stood in a line with him. 

Y/N: Find her

They all nodded and disappeared. Y/N went back inside the house and saw Tai

Y/N: Ta- Dad. Do you know where Ruby is?

Tai: Sorry I don't. Why?

Y/N: Me and her were playing hide and seek. I can't find her.

Tai: Did you follow the pedals?

Y/N: Yes and she got smarter and made them go in three different directions

Tai: Did you try Red Robbins?

Y/N: Yes she didn't respond. 

Tai: Strange. She usually yells yum right after.

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