Chapter 8

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"No y/n it's not fine"
"Jack it's really nothing trust me I've been through worse it's just a few cuts" I say and continue to put the fresh bandaging on.
"Y/n you should really talk to someone about this, cutting isn't gonna solve your problems but just cause more and you know I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Neither do the rest of the boys or your parents-"
"My parents don't give a fuck about me Jack. They've seen my cuts and didn't even bother asking if I was ok" I say and throw away the bloody bandages and roll my sleeve back down.
"Well I'm sorry, you don't deserve that but please talk to me next time before you do, ok?"
"Okay" I say looking down not wanting to make eye contact. He lifts my chin up so I look up at him.
"I promise" I say and he leans in to give me a quick hug.
"Okay well let's go back out before they expect anything happening in here besides talking" Jack says and I nod. He opens the door and we walk out.
"Well you two took long enough" Zach says
"Yeah what were you even talking about that was so important to say away from us" Jonah says.
"Did Jack confess his secret undying love for you y/n?" Corbyn says sarcastically
"Uh in a bathroom?" Daniel adds while laughing. We all laughed at what Corbyn said.
"Nope just needed to ask her something about a girl" Jack says
"Oooh is JackyBabes having girl issues" Zach says in a high pitched voice nudging Jack's arm.
"Nah" Jack says with a small chuckle. "Anyways shouldn't we start heading back home and let y/n pack stuff for tomorrow?" Jonah says
"Yeah your right well I guess we're leaving I'll see you tomorrow y/n" Jack says and hugs me "Let me know if you need anything I'm just a call away" He says when hugging me.
"Okay thanks Jack" I say and hug the rest of the guys goodbye. And then there was one. Zach.
"Y/n?" Zach says
"Ughhh what" I say annoyed
"I'm sorry" He says
"For what" I respond annoyed
"For being such an asshole I get it now. That's all you knew about me and I understand why you hate me so much but I really wanna change that but I can only do that if you let me change that by at least becoming friends. Please y/n I don't want you to hate me forever" He says whole making puppy dog eyes. It took me a few seconds to think it over
"Bye Herron" I say and close my bedroom door in front of him. I felt bad that I was so mean to him but I know he doesn't actually want to change so why risk ending up being another of his one night stands. He's not worth it.

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