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Hey guys! This is not a chapter, this is me talking to you! So I just want a little feedback of how much do you like it or not. Just a small comment on this diary. I know I haven't used many teenager words in this book but I hope you all enjoy reading. By the way, I have 113 reads! Not bad though I would like you all to read more. I mean 'what am I saying?' read more? Not read more, I mean recommend it to friends? You can do a big help for me by recommending this book to your friends. I am so exited for more reads!!! But please, PLEASE help me by commenting this diary and I'll try to make it more interesting. And what did I forget.... Yeah, PUH-LEASE recommend this book to your friends on wattpad. ;) bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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