Midoriya x Reader

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I don't know anymore, this will probably be an angst


"Hey Izuku, would you like to come over today", you asked your best friend. "Sure y/n, just let me text my mom", he said pulling his phone out. After that, you guys walked to your house.

While you where walking, Izuku tried to make conversation. "Hey Y/n, why did you want me to come over?", The 🅱️oi questioned. "Umm, I just wanted to hang out, that's all", you said with sweat coming down your face. He nodded.

When you guys arrived at your house, you noticed your parents weren't home. You sighed in sadness. Izuku put his hand on your shoulder and said, "It's okay, I'll be your company". You jumped at the move but smiled.

Few hours later.....

You went to the get food at the convenient store nearby. As you were walking, you saw Izuku in an ice cream shop. Your face lit up, but then frowned at the sight of his friend Todoroki. "It's just Izuku with Todoroki, nothing wrong with that. They're just friends right?", You thought
When you got home, you checked his social media if he posted anything suspicious. "Here with my BF", the post of him said with Todoroki. "BF?!?! Calm down Y/n, it can mean best friend!!!", You said panicking. "Y/n, you're over reacting, stop it", Y/n slapping herself.

Next Day.. (I got lazy)

You were going on the internet and kept seeing Izuku posting with and about Todoroki. "What? He can't we gay right?!? He would have told me. They are just friends right?!?!", You kept screaming.


You heard your phone go off.

"Hey Y/n, can u come over? If
you can, like right now

Sure, I'll be over in a bit Izuku

Thanks Y/n

"What does this Boi want now", you thought while locking your front door. The walk to Izuku's house wasn't far. It was like 2 blocks away, once you got to the door. You knocked like a normal person 👌.

Your face became a bit red once you saw a firmiliar Broccoli Headed Boi. "Come in y/n, but umm,  I-i need to tell you something", you nodded and came in the house. "What the-", your thought was interrupted by Midoriya's voice. "Y/n, you have been my friend since when we were little kids. I can trust you alot and I need to tell you this", he said looking at the ground. You gulped and sweat came out of your face, scared of what you were going to hear. "Y-y/n, i-im ummmm, i-im b-bisexual", Midoriya said with the shakiest voice ever. You froze at what you heard. You liked Midoriya, no, more liked you loved him. Thoughts were running to your head. "Shit, he's Bi, I still support him. But does he like someone else!?? DO I CONFESS TO HIM OR NO!! NO. Calm down y/n. Wait, I'M SO HAPPY FOR HIM, AM I GOING TO START CRYING", Midoriya seemed to be  startled at your behavior. "Y/n, Y/N!? ARE YOU OKAY, DO YOU HATE ME", you then snapped out of your annoying ass thoughts. "I'm fine", you said fake smiling a bit. He was relieved to hear that. "Y/n, i-im also d-dating T-todoroki-kun", your heart sort of dropped when you heard that come out of his mouth. You started crying and hugged him.

"Y/n, are you crying cause your sad or happy for me", he said quietly. You paused, "Yeah, I'm happy for you Izuku", he smiled and kept hugging. "I support him that he is Bi, b-but, he's dating Todoroki. I shouldn't be jealous, he's happy now. He doesn't need my stupid feelings, I'm so happy but sad at the same time"(sorry if this part doesn't make sense).

"Izuku I'm going to go home now, have a nice day", you said with a smile but a tear leaving your eye.

Next day..

When you came to school you saw the couple. Izuku and Todoroki. You smile and waved at them. They sent it back also. "I'm happy for them, I really am, but Izuku never knew about my feelings for him. But now he can't.

Wassup people, sorry I haven't been updating anything (I lied, I did something yesterday for Hatsume's, oof) Anyway, I didn't know what to write, give me some requests on what to write. Enjoy this crappy book.

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