S - The Fall

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"Come on, wake up." 

"Huh?" I awoke rather abruptly, to Avery nudging my elbow with his foot. He, for once, didn't have any shoes on. 

"Huh, yourself. I think the hideout has been spotted. We need to be out in the open, now." The only thing in my mind was Avery's lack of hair - his shoulder length do had been reduced to just below his chin. 

"Oh..kay.." I sat up and waited for a moment, adjusting to the light. I felt for my wand a looked up. "then what do I do?"

"Follow my lead. Today, we're going outside." Avery snickered and started walking on a beam. 

Outside? I thought, What kind of a genius idea is THAT!? Have you honestly been stuck here for who knows how long.. I held my arms to my sides as I balanced and walked across carefully, sleep still plaguing my brain. 

"Don't laugh," Avery said sharply. I gasped at the sudden phrase and slipped. I think I might have thrown up a bit of food on the way down by the feel of it, but all I remember from the event was the crash. 


"Peridot Kensington," I heard a familiar voice coo. "Jason was a bit less co-ordinated than you, but this still proves true. What brings you here? Your friends? Your brother?" I heard a muffled scream. "Your love?" 

"Bloody.." I rubbed my head and faced a hooded figure. "What's the point of this?" 

"A vital piece of the puzzle, dear girl. Did you ever know your father?"

"No." Beads of sweat poured down my cheeks as the muffled scream return. "Not for several years, ehm, sir?"

"It's 'my lord', and this is your warning." My knees buckled and I felt something protruding into my skull for several seconds, causing me to curl into a ball. When the pain was lifted, I sprawled out on the ground. 

"M-my -" I sputtered.

"That will be enough from you." The Dark Lord raised his wand, and I heard a thud to the ground.

"Avery!" I rushed over, and dragged him out of the room. "Are you.."

"Peri, it's a hoax. Get your friends and get out."

"But you're my -"

"Just get." 


Sorry about the short chapter, getting back into the swing of things.

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