Chapter 8

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I woke up at 8 and had to rush to make sure i could get the limo to school cause frankly i don't want to walk.
I made it in time although it did mean i didn't get breakfast.
"Make sure to tell everyone its you. You look different."
"Atleast my class wont harass you anymore... Hopefully."
"Relax I'll be fine. Anyway i kinda have a uniform. I mean one i like sooo. Yas. Better than being someone in no uniform. Now we are here i best head to class. Bye boys."

I ran to building and made it as the bell went.
"Nufufufu~ introduce yourself. Many won't know who you are"

 Many won't know who you are"

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Im Sakura Asano. The angel."
"I know for a fact your not!"
"Ask me a question."
"What happened nearly 2 week ago."
"Got kidnapped, raped, went home and only returned today."

The whole class went silent after i answered karma.
Nagisa shot his hand up.
"How did you change drastically."
"A week of changing my cells, dna, and genes so i would look like a new person. I changed everything about me on a molecular and cellular level."
"Nufufufu~ Sakura is still a kind hearted sweetie."
"Is she the one who got sensei all that junk food?"
"Why would she?"
"Ye i did. He helped me when i felt... Down. So it was more of a thanks. He usually eats junk food."
"The pocky you got is only sold near you in the shopping district."
"Nufufufu ~"

The day had began passing by as i dazed off.
I had my tutor lesson afterwards and met him in the forest as i preferred the outdoors.
We sat on a blanket as he began teaching me in easy ways such as photos and other basic ways.

"Sensei... Never mind."
"What's wrong?"
"It was a random thing. Don't worry."
"If that's what you want... Angel."

-flash back-

"Reap?" "What's wrong?" "You're different

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"What's wrong?"
"You're different... Im worried."
"Im fine."
"Before you leave. Do you love me?"
"Who knows."
"Next time you see me. Tell me."
"If that's what you want angel."

-End flash back -

"Are you reap. I had a flash back. I may be wrong."
"Nufufufu~ who knows. Not you."
"Yes. Not me. I don't remember anything."

I looked around and saw a cliff.
"Sensei is it true your life flashes before your eyes if you have a near death experience?"
"Believe so."

I stood up and ran for the cliff edge and jumped off before i saw a shade of white and my memories of everything began.
I saw everything.
Finally i had all my memory back.

But am i going to die.
He promised...

I waited but i got caught and he was angry at me.
He lectured me shouted at me but i asked him a simple question.
"Reaper. How do you feel about me."
"Now isn't the time to ask."
"When is? Infront of every student, when we kill you. Please tell me when will i get an answer i deserve."
"When you're ready. When you know how you feel and are completely sure. I will not except anything less."
"When I'm with you, i get this bubbling feeling inside my chest, my body gets warm and my heart beats uncontrollably. Even before i realised you was reaper. If this is love how did i fall in love with an alien based teacher. I don't know but i did! So answer me. Why are you the hesitant one. "

He didn't give me an answer but flew off leaving me at the base of the cliff. I made my way through the forest to the main campus where i saw my brother and his friends.

I rushed past to avoid his creepy friends. However one grabbed my ass and i instinctively slapped them.

"Keep the fuck off you filthy bitch."
"Calm Sakura."
"Sakura get in the car."

I jumped at fathers voice not expecting him to still be here. But in the end i didn't really get a lesson. 10 minutes maybe.
Cause i made things awkward.

I spent the night studying but when i went to school he wasn't there. He was missing for a while before he returned and everyone questioned him. Especially karasuma.
Apparently he completely disappeared from the radar.

But he gave no explanation. But i knew and i felt guilty. Like it's all my fault.
Everyone tried attacking him throughout the day with the new plans they created but constantly failed.

I didn't bother staying behind for the tutorial lesson i studied with karma and my brother and they helped me incredibly quickly. They nailed it into me with no rest.
I even started goings home with Nagisa and Karma.
Asano obviously hated it. After all I'm close friends with his rival. And i let them into my house to hang out and study.

The day reached 11pm and i was ready for bed when i heard a pat on the window and saw sensei on the tree perched.
"Leave me alone."

I shut the window, locked it and closed the curtains before turning in for the night.

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