After pointing a stern finger at Cam, Joe mutters something that I don't catch and Cam just nods along. As soon as his father leaves, he turns to me with a mischievous grin and I want to sigh. We go through the motions of the day and soon enough we're on the way to my house for dinner. He sings along quietly to the music playing from my phone, unbeknownst to the growing ball of anxiety in my stomach.

We travel down the roads, which slowly go from multi-story houses with gargantuan gardens and spacious garages to small homes with yipping dogs and less kept yards. I feel the need to put a disclaimer into the air as we grow closer and closer to my house. He's unsuspecting as I turn down the music, which gains his attention.

"My family isn't like yours," I blurt rather abruptly. He glances at me and offers up a slow nod.

"I know." Huh? Noting my curiosity, he continues: "You don't have two dads for one. You're not adopted. You don't have brothers. You have a mom."

I decide to cut his list short. "That's not what I mean." I let out a long sigh as I stare ahead at the road. "My family is not proper and formal. We don't have money. Our house isn't huge despite the amount of people that are constantly in it, whether they live there or not."

He gives me a long glance as we sit at the light. "I know where I come from. I recognize my privilege in growing up where I did and living the lifestyle I did. But I understand not everyone comes from such a background. I'm just grateful you're welcoming me into your home and letting me meet your family."

I stare at him for a few seconds and sigh. I guess this is really happening. "Also...ignore everything my sisters say. Every single thing." Since this morning they've been blowing up our group chat with comments about Cam and how excited they are to meet him. They've also been teasing me and asking if he knows about a multitude of embarrassing stories from my childhood.

He gives me an entertained smile and I shake my head. I really hope they don't embarrass me. The rest of the drive to my house is short. "Is this it?" he asks as he pulls up to the dingy brown house. I offer up a slow nod and he parks behind Bellamy's car. Together, we start towards the front door and I stop for a second.

"Don't mention drugs or alcohol at all." I rack my brain for more potential topics that may come up. "Or sex."

"Because we have a lot of that, yeah?" he snorts as he raises a brow. I choke out a laugh as I reach for the door, which is unlocked. The sound of my dog yipping excitedly causes Cam's face to light up. I roll my eyes and lead the way into my humble abode.

"They're here!" Rowena cheers from the living room. As expected, we reach the dining room and are greeted by my large family. I look to Cam to see if he's nervous but he seems to be doing just fine.

"Everyone...Cam," I greet and they all scoff, so I go down the line and introduce them. I can tell that Cam is making an effort to recall names as we go down the line. Once everyone's covered, my mom taps my shoulder.

"Help us set the table. Cam, take any seat you'd like and make yourself comfortable," she insists and Cam drops in the seat closest to him. I want to roll my eyes as he taps his lap for my dog to join him, which Deathtrap happily does.

I join my sisters in the kitchen, where they immediately start cooing and nudging me. I try to ignore it but a small smile makes its way onto my face. I grab the wooden spoon and raise it up at them. "Say anything stupid and I'll beat you with this!" I hiss threateningly and my mom offers up a scoff.

As a group, we make our way to the dining room and dance around the lengthy table. Jessenia and I put cups in front of each person. Bellamy dishes out plates. Jorja lays silverware at each spot. My mother, Arya, and Rowena carry out pots of food. Nola places a bottle of soda and a bottle of juice right beside the pitcher of water. Cam watches in awe as we quickly take our seats around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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