02-Jace...came back

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I'm shocked by what Tyler said to me, his making me choose...I can't choose between my 2 best friends I can't do that it's impossible.

I...I don't know what to do...

As I sit in my room unknown of what to do, everyone leaves and it's just me, Amelia and Lucas in the house, it's quiet and I'm lost in my thoughts.

I barely even hear the knock on the door until the door opens, my head shoots in the direction of my door and I'm shocked by who enters...

"Jace?...is that you?"

"Charlie you miss me?"

I can't believe me eyes, I run over into his arms and get engulfed by one of his famous bear hugs, it's been ages since I've seen him, I missed his hugs well I missed him in general.

"It's been a while Charlie."

"You the one who left town aum!" I say playfully

"Yeah...but I'm back for good now!"

I can't help but smile, I'm so glad his back maybe he can help me with all this madness.

"So Jace you've missed quite a lot..."

I catch him up on all the drama and what's happened lately, he seems shocked by everything except for Eva and Aidan getting married of course.

"Tyler is making you choose?!"


"Can we just agree that you are mine and non of theirs, I married you in pre-school." We both burst into laughter, I've missed his laugh.

Jace and I go way back just like Tyler, Dylan and I. Jace use to be part of our group but then his family moved out of town for his dads job, I remember how we hid him under my bed in hopes of his parents leaving without him...didn't work....I remember how we use to sneak out together and go to the part just to talk, we have a lot of good memories.

"Well before you choose please allow me to take you to dinner?"

"Well I'm starving so sure."

We both make our way downstairs, we say bye to my brother and Amelia.

"So where are we going anyway?" I ask as we get into the car

"We are going to our favorite spot, for old times sake"

I smile at him, he remembered...before he left, him an I made a special spot that only we knew about, we called it out spot, we went there when we wanted to be alone, or just wanted to avoid people in general it was out quiet space.

That was when I really had my first kiss, well both of us actually, we both had our first kiss with each other in that spot but we never told anyone so no one actually knows who our real first kisses were.

But to be honest we were really private about that spot, it was special.

We pull up to the spot, well the pathway.


"Yup, did you bring food?"

"Donuts are in the back."

"And this is why we are best friends."we smile at each other and break into laughter.

Jace grabs the box of donuts from the back and we walk to the spot, at least on thing in my life is basic, we arrive at the spot to see it in its former glory, just how we left it years ago, Jace lays a blanket down and we sit, I take the opportunity to get the first donut of course.

"The view is breathtaking as always."

"Not as breathtaking as mine." I look over at Jace to see him looking at me.

Well ok...

We have light conversation the rest of the evening and look at the stars, it starts to get cold so we both decide to go back to my house.

The car drive is filled with our singing.
We finally arrive at my house and make our way inside, as we walk in we laugh at the recording he made of us while we were having our own mini concert in the car.

"Chloe..." I'm shocked by who I see standing in front of me

"Hi Justin?" He gives me a small smile, I can see his uncomfortable

"Can we talk?"


I excuse myself from everyone else and make my way to the yard, with Justin following not to far behind.

"What's up?"

"Dylan and Jarred had a huge fight, Jarred's in hospital."

"Wait...what!? Tell me what happened."

"So Dylan went to the park to go think and Jarred followed him there, apparently Jarred was rubbing it in his face that you kissed Jarred or something like that, so Jarred started saying how he was planning to make out with you and well grind you so it pissed Dylan off and they ended up fighting, if I didn't get there in time Jarred would have been dead."

"What the actual fuck! I'm gone for a couple hours and all hell breaks loose."

"Indeed, I would go see Dylan if I were you, he hasn't calmed down yet, he punched a wall and I feel sorry for the wall."

"Where is he?"

"Your room."

"My room?"

"He feels safe I guess."

"Ok I'll go talk to him, thanks for telling me."

"No problem."

I leave Justin in the yard and make my way up the stairs towards my room. I open the door slowly to see Dylan sitting at the edge of my bed with his hands in his hair, gripping it really hard.

I enter slowly, he notices my presence and looks up, his eyes are red and there are tear stains on his cheeks, he was crying, I walk over to him and give him a hug because I know not to ask him about it, his not on of those people. He returns the hug and tucks his head into my neck.

I rub his back trying to calm him down, I feel his body relax in my arms and I'm relieved, we both end the hug and look at each other.

"Are you ok?"

"I just needed to see you, where were you?"

"I was with..."I stop before I say something stupid.

"With tho?"

"Why don't you come see for yourself, the reunion is long overdue."

"Reunion?"He gives me a puzzled look.

I walk out of the room and he follows me, we make our way down the stairs and towards the living room where I see Jace sitting on the couch laughing, dang I missed his laugh.

Dylan's eyes go wide at the sight of Jace, I laugh at his shocked but happy expression, Jace notices everyone looking at him and looks at Dylan they both have this stupid look on their faces now. Jace jumps up and they give each other a bro hug, so casual, they catch up and talk about how things are in the new town and he tells Dylan how he is planning on staying in town for a while.

I missed this...
Liam's POV
Ok it's time, I'm going to do it. I pull up at Chloe's House, my heart is beating out of my chest and I'm unknown of how to react to this feeling.

I decide against my nerves and just follow through with my plan, I make my way towards the porch and knock on the door, Chloe opens the door with a smile on her face, her smile is so beautiful, then again she is always beautiful.

"Hi Liam?"

"Hey Chloe, I need to ask you something before it's to late."

"Ok go ahead then."

I drop onto one knee and take the ring box out of my pocket.

"Chloe will you marry me?"

Hi lovies
So hope everyone is enjoying the sequel
Should Chloe say yes?
Will Jace end up having feelings for Chloe?

Who knows, keep reading and find out.

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