15 - Lasting Impressions Lead To Childhood Obsessions

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SO sorry it's taken so long to update SAS :( I've had the worst case of writer's block imaginable. But I've been hit with a bolt of inspiration! Enjoy :)

River's POV

I hope I did a good enough job making Scout believe me. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Telling him that I never loved him was almost too much to handle. I wanted so badly to tell him what was going on, what Brody was threatening me with. But if I did, Scout would have been killed. I saw the sniper Brody was warning me about when I was up there on that stage. The gun was aimed right at Scout's head. I couldn't let that happen. I gathered all the strength I could and pretended I was talking to Brody. That way when I said I never loved him, Scout would see in my eyes that I was telling the truth. I never did or never will love Brody. He's a monster. He's had me chained up on a medical table in this dimly lit room now for 2 days. No food, no water, no Brody. I could live without food and water if it meant that I didn't have to see him...well for a little while at least.

"Time for your medicine, sweetheart!" The metal door creaked open and in stepped an old haggish lady in a nurse outfit. If I wasn't so numb from everything that has happened so far, I would be terrified out of my mind. The twisted smile she was wearing gave a mental institution escapee's demented look a run for it's money. the sight of what she was holding in her hand made chills run down my spine. I knew that nothing I could say would change her mind about what she was going to do next so I just held my chin up high and put on the most courageous facade I could at that moment. "Don't worry, honey. You're going to have fun. The boys have a lot in mind for your coming home party." She dragged the needle of the syringe up and down my arm gently as if teasing me. Then without warning she plunged it deep in to the vain of my forearm and expelled all the black contents of the shot in one fluid movement in to my bloodstream.  The precise way that she moved, even though she appeared to be very old and raggedy, reminded me where I was. With wolves. Rogue wolves. I had to find a way to escape before whatever she just injected me with takes effect.

Too late. I'm paralyzed again. Only being able to breath and move my eyes. The wicked old woman kept smiling at me with her psychotic gaze. Her eyes started to travel down my body. Even though I was paralyzed, I still felt her gaze as it left a trail of goosebumps all over me.

--------------------------WARNING: Some of the following scenes include parts that are considered Rated R. Readers under the age of 18 or anybody who may be skittish are not encouraged to read the rest of this chapter due to sexual encounters and mild violence.----------------------

"Hold still, dear. I'm going to make you look presentable for the party. They'll be here soon."  She unlocked the chains that once restricted my wrists and ankles. She didn't have to worry about me moving them now that I was paralyzed. I was still in the gown that I had on when I left Scout. She didn't seem to think that was appropriate because she flipped me over and undid the corset. Flipping me back over, she started to work it down my body leaving me wearing only my strapless bra and my underwear, since I left my shoes out side of the beauty salon in Scout's house. She took a step back and put her finger on her chin as if deciding if I looked 'ready to party'. "I wonder....hmmm, I wonder if he'll want me to take those off or if he'll want to take them off his self? Brody's waited a long time for this you know...better not add on any extra time." Tears slid down my face as she made her way closer to me. It was in that moment that I realized what was going to happen when Brody showed up. She unsnapped my bra first, folded it nicely with my dress, and then headed for my lower body, leaving my breasts fully exposed. I could tell from the lust filled glint her eyes held that she was enjoying torturing me. She slid two of her wrinkly boney fingers under the sides of my panties and started to move them towards my toes. Inch by inch she exposed more of my skin the slowest speed she could. Her eyes never moved off of all that is me. She is a sick person. Bile rose up in my throat and I wished I had the ability to spit it right in her old leathery face. Tears were flowing freely down my paralyzed cheeks as she completely removed my last piece of clothing. She licked her lips and started to drag her clammy palms up my naked thighs. Just before she got to touch the uncovered part of me that's never been touched, the metal doors slung open and the lights turned off  completely.

"Leave, Hazel." Said the voice I've been expecting to hear for two days. His voice sounded husky and strained. Even though I hated to see him, I'm glad he came in when he did or Hazel would have done more to me than anyone ever has. In the back of my mind I reminded myself that he was definitely going to inflict a lot more on me then that witch was going to. Witch Hazel, as I now know her as, left my side and exited the room. I heard multiple heavy footsteps come in to the still black expanse. I hate not even being able to turn my head to see who was around me, not that I would be able to see in this darkness. That wasn't the worst part...the worst part was knowing that all the men in this room could, since they were most likely all werewolves. I didn't have a stitch covering any part of my exposed body. What I've worked so hard to save for the eyes of the one man that was meant for me was now being taken in by atleast ten strangers and Brody. The metal doors clanged shut and medical lights all around my cold hospital bed flickered to life, effectively making me feel even more vulnerable to the perverted eyes of my kidnappers. The room was still dark everywhere besides the spotlight I was under. I guess this is supposed to be a show. Figures...Brody has always been one sick son-of-a-bitch.

Brody waltzed his way over to my naked body with measured steps. I didn't understand why he was acting so stiff until I realized that he was having any extremely hard time controlling his wolf. The closer he got, the louder the possessive low rumbles and growls were getting that were emanating from his shirtless chest. Hazel was right, he has been waiting for this. I'm glad I couldn't move my body right now because I didn't want him to know how scared I was...If I was able to move, I would have been trembling...on a scale comparable to a fish out of water. He finally approached my bed A.K.A. rape table and got down on his knees. He turned my head so that my cheek was lying on the metal of the table and so my eyes could look straight in to his since his head was about a foot above the edge now. Looking in to his eyes closely, I could tell he was a lot closer to losing control of his wolf than I originally thought. His irises were his wolf's pitch black. Brody put his elbows up on the side, slowly grazed his obsidian eyes over my naked body and took a deep breath.

"Hi." He put one of his huge hands on the side of my face that wasn't pressed against the cold metal table. It felt all wrong. Scout was the only one that was supossed to touch me. "You are SO fucking sexy." All the men in the room started hooping and whistling like the animals they really are. "I've never met any girl as hot as you. You've even more beautiful naked...If it's possible." 'Hell yeah's' and 'Let me touch her's' were being yelled out by the watchers. "Shut the fuck up everybody. SHE IS MINE." His eyes returned to mine and they almost looked warm. "I've always loved you River. Ever since we were little kids and  you pushed me down on the playground because I threw rocks at that dorky fat girl nobody talked to. No one had ever treated me like that before." He picked up a piece of my curled hair and twisted it in his finger tips. "Since then, I've been kind of...obsessed." His steel gaze on me turned in to a dark smile again. "When you left me, River, you forced me to do some things that I really didn't want to do..." He moved closer and stopped an inch away from my face. He inhaled my neck for a few seconds and I hoped that I successfully held back all the fear and repulsion out of my scent. Then he kissed me...well, he tried. I couldn't move my mouth but that didn't keep him from plunging deeply into it and exploring every crevice with his tongue. When he was satisfied he pulled away and finished his sentence with dark eyes and a sinister smile. "Now, I'm going to force you to do a few things that you really don't want to." He stood up and walked to the end of the bed, dragging his fingertips down my body the whole way. He put my shackles back on my ankles and locked them. "Your medicine is going to start wearing off in about twenty minutes or so. Until then though, nobody is going to touch you..." He pushed a button  on the side of the table. From the split between my legs, down, the table divided and split in two, opening my core and causing me to do a full split. Brody smiled while the tears rushed back with a vengeance. I've never felt this open, this susceptible, this completely...utterly naked, in every sense. What was happening to me was the root of all nightmares. This is a worst case scenario. I truly believe that Brody and his evil rogue followers are demons from the darkest pits of Hell. "We need these back on too." He came back up to where my wrists were laying above my head and locked them up too as all the other men in the room rushed to the side of the room where they got the best view of my open center. "Why am I allowing you to move again, you ask?" He chuckled, grabbed my face, and bent down so his nose was pressed against my cheek. He lowered his voice so it was barely above a whisper. "When my seed explodes inside you, I want to see your back arch in pleasure." I was in Hell.

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