Chapter 1

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12 May 2150 (Present Day)

"It's been 42 days since Praimfaya. I'm alive, I'm alone. I hope you can hear me somehow. I hope you're okay. I hope you made it to the Ring. I miss you, Bellamy. God, I didn't realize how hard this was going to be. I mean, I knew being alone was going to be hard, but not knowing whether or not you're alive is what's worse. I won't lose hope though, I can't. The thought of seeing you again is the only thing that's kept me going this long." The radio crackles a bit as I continue, "Don't get me wrong, I wanted you to leave without me. I wanted you to live. I wish I knew that you could hear me. I wish I could hear your voice, or feel your arms wrapped around me. I wish I had told you that I loved you when I had the chance, because I do. I... I love you, Bellamy. Please come back to me. I've lost everyone else, I can't lose you too."


"If anything happens to me..."

"Nothing is going to happen to you."

"Please, Bellamy, I need you to hear this."

"No, Clarke. You're going to be fine. We're going to be fine. We're going to beat Praimfaya. We're going to get this rocket up and running and we're going to make it back to the Ark. We're going to live. Your mom is safe, Octavia is safe. Everyone we care about is in that bunker, but if we want to see them again, we have to get this rocket ready."

"Bellamy—" I start, only to be interrupted again, as Bellamy steps closer to me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Clarke, listen. I'm not letting you say goodbye to me because we're doing this together. We're going to make it. I will not let anything bad happen to you. I need you Clarke."

Suddenly, his lips are on mine. I hesitate for a moment, but within seconds I'm swept up in his kiss. In that moment, his arms wrapped around me, his lips on mine, it's as if the world isn't coming to an end. In that moment, he is all that exists to me, he is all that matters. My hands tug on his clothes, but I'm met with resistance from him.

"Clarke, we can't."

"Whatever the hell we want, remember? Don't you want to?"

There's a second of pause in which I think he's going to back away but before I know it, he's kissing me again, each kiss deeper and more intense than the last. Our clothes are being thrown across the room and all at once, it's as if everything else melts away.

Time loses meaning as we get lost in each other. We lay side by side, catching our breath, holding each other. We could've stayed there forever, had it not been for Murphy stumbling up the stairs and into the room.

"Clarke, Bellamy, it's—oh my God," he stops abruptly, covering his eyes like a child after realizing what he's just walked in on.

"Jesus, Murphy, ever heard of knocking?" Bellamy says gruffly, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Sorry, I just, uh, Raven needs you. Both of you. Preferably clothed."

"Just give us a minute, Murphy, please."

Once he leaves the room, Bellamy and I get dressed and head downstairs, where Raven gets us up to speed about what we need to do to get the rocket ready to launch.

Ninety minutes. That's all we had left before Praimfaya destroyed this planet and left it uninhabitable for the next five years. Bellamy and I got separated to do our tasks, but we were confident that we'd be together again, on that rocket. That's not how things worked out though, obviously. If I couldn't realign the satellite, all of my friends would die. Bellamy would die.


Nightblood has allowed me to adapt to the radiation, although the radiation itself has proven to be the least of my worries. I've yet to go outside, but I'm almost out of rations. I have no choice but to leave Becca's lab and try to find sustenance.

I gather my supplies, what's left of my rations, and my radio, and I open the door. For the first time in 42 days, I step outside of the lab that's become my shelter. The surroundings are almost unrecognizable. The landscape is desolate. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't have recognized this area of land as what used to be an island. The water is gone and there are no signs of life anywhere. The only place I know there is life is in Polis, so that's where I'm heading. I just hope I make it there in one piece.

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