Lego Superman x Lego Green Lantern (lego movie 2 spoilers)

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there he was green lantern was pressed  close up to Superman in the bin of storage. he always felt warm when he was next to superman, but he was never this close to him. superman for once was treating him with respect and he was so close to admitting to superman what his true feelings where, at the wedding, but was interrupted by a big exposition which caused the entire stadium to explode, and send everybody into the bin of storrage. green lantern started sweat while anime blushing, he was SO close to superman now, and he was getting nervous. "so..uhh green lantern what where you going to say at the wedding before...this". Green lantern clenched his butt he didn't want to actually confess to the alien hunk, about his true feelings, but he knew it would be useless, superman and him have grown so close that he could see right through him.

green lantern cleared his throat " superman i love you" Green Lantern heard an astonished gasp from the other end of his body "wi...will you be my boyfriend " superman swiveled his head over to the blushing lad "of course GL" . they stared at each other for a couple of minutes before everybody started to sing about how everything was not awesome, but with superman he knew everything would be awesome.


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