"Feeling better?" Jackson asks after a while. "Yeah," Mark nods. "Much better." And continue his sewing, except that the frown is no longer there on his forehead. 

After a minute of silence, suddenly his hair was ruffled by his teacher. He looks up with a questioned look. "I hope you will do it more in the future," Jackson said with a smile, hand still on the other's head, fingers gently running through his soft hair. "What do you mean?" Mark ask with his round eyes looking at his teacher.

Jackson chuckled before retrieve his hand. "Voicing out your problem and thoughts it is. It's not good keeping everything to yourself, so you must let it out to someone you trust."

"I have none."

"I can be one." And his eyes are not showing any sign of joking.

Mark was stunned at that. His eyes showing that he's purely shocked at what his teacher said and his mind went blank.

"Mark? Mark!" Finally, he came back to his sense. "Yes?" He asks, still recovering from the shock. "What's wrong with you? did I say something wrong?" Jackson looks at him with apologetic eyes. "What no well I mean, did you even think before you said that?"

"Of course I did."

"I am stubborn, I have lots of complaints, I have many things that I hate that would make me rants all night long. Are you sure you're okay with that because once I start ranting, nothing can stop me?"

"Well, how bad a talkative Mark can be. And it's good for your mental health so I don't mind having to listen to your rants all night long if that means it will help you feel less burdened." Mark doesn't know what to say to this. "Ok then but don't regret it later." was the only sentence he could say at the moment.


Mark look at the girl who's practising alone from the side as he is busy with the 3rd hairband which he has been sewing ever since she started and this is the nth time the girl who plays the heroine has forgotten her line. 

'It's "spare me your highness as I'm not the one at fault!" stupid. How can such a simple line not stick in your mind? Your brain must be as small as my eyes.' He thought.

The play is a week from now but the girl is not showing any sign that she is ready. Well not like it has anything to do with him. He prefers doing his work undisturbed. But does God hate him as his peace was disturbed by the said girl? 

"Hey, can you help me?" She asks, straight to the point. Being nice, Mark looks up to the girl and smile. "Yes, what is it?"

"Help me to practice this. I just can't get these lines into my head."

"But I don't know how to act." The girl smiles and hands him the script. "Don't worry, you just need to read the prince's part on this page and I will act my part." Mark nods and takes the script. 

"I'm Lisa by the way." The girl smiles and holds out his hand. "I'm Mark" Mark shakes her hand.

Ever since then, whenever it is not a group practice time, Lisa would always find Mark at the workshop and they would practice together. Honestly, Mark doesn't find her annoying as she is nice and sweet. Sometimes they would just have a chit chat when they didn't practice together. A friendship built, along with the feelings of the girl towards the redhead.

One evening when they were done practising...

"Hey Mark, can you grant me one wish?" Mark looks at her. "Well depends on what you asked for."

My teacher? Nah he's my husbandWhere stories live. Discover now