- We were together the whole time, Harry! He was in my arms when we slept. I don't understand what happened. I already informed the police, called the school, looked everywhere I could. I can't find him. I can't. - He snapped back, mad at himself for the whole situation.

     Harry opened his mouth to shout back but was stopped by Louis' distant voice.

- Li! Baby! - He screamed along the street, his voice cracking and tears freely swimming down his cheeks. - Liam! Batman! Woody! What else can I call you?! Please, just come back to us.

     Louis dropped on his knees, crying softly and wrapping his arms around his shaking body.

- Please! I need you! - He whimpered and felt two long arms hugging him tightly from behind. 

- We'll find him, love. I promise you. - Harry soothed him, nuzzling his nose in Loui's feather hair.

     They went back to Zayn to try and figure out something. Zayn called Niall and had his ears hammered with the Irishman's yelling, and Niall joined them in less than ten minutes. 

- So, what's the last time he was here? - Niall asked as the boy's parents weren't able to produce any sounds, their bodies reminding of breathing corpses.

- He couldn't sleep last night and came downstairs. I took him to his room and we fell asleep. I woke up in the morning and he was gone. - Zayn did his best to answer, ignoring the pain that slowly cracked his heart. 

- What happened before that?

- Um... we were looking at some photos, then he went to his room. Then Perrie and I ... um... well, we kissed... um.

- Wait! Where is Perrie!? - Niall interrupted him.

- She had to leave. She left me a note, saying that she had to visit her family. - Zayn shrugged carelessly. 

- Oh, what a coincidence. - Niall scoffed and took his coat, storming out of the house. He had to act somewhat nice towards Zayn's girlfriend because of all the she-means-a-lot-to-my-friend crap. But now that Liam was missing, screw all that unwritten rules. He wanted to choke to death anyone who even slightly was suspicious to him. 

     He drove to Perrie's house and knocked on her door impatiently. His blood was boiling and his hands were fisted, ready to throw punches and fight. 

     Perrie soon opened the door, looking exhausted. It looked like she hadn't slept for a week. 

- Niall? What are you doing here? - She asked, leaning against the doorframe. 

- Is Liam here? - Niall asked coldly.

- What? No, why?

- We can't find him and I don't care how mean that sounds, but I don't believe you. - He answered and walked inside without the owner's permission. 

- Niall, he is not here. - She repeated. 

     'So, you're not even surprised, huh?' Niall thought to himself and searched everywhere. No sign of a living soul. He loudly opened every door, looked in every corner, under the bed, in the bathroom, in the basement. Everywhere. He didn't care if he messed with Perrie's belongings. He wanted to scream at her, fight her, blame her for everything, cause no one acts like nothing happened when you tell them that a fifteen-year-old kid was lost. 

- Niall, will you stop this! Stop ruining my house. I told you he is not here! - she snapped at him. 

     After a third round, Niall gave up. There was no one else in the house except the two of them. Not even a fly. He took a deep breath, trying to think about another solution and walked out of the house, not caring to ask her why she was at home when she was supposed to visit her family. It's not like she was going to give him answers. 

- Well, I'll keep looking, I guess. I'll let you know if I find him. - He says, but Perrie just nods, as if it wasn't important at all. Liam could be kidnapped or even dead, but it was no big deal to her. 

     She closed the door and Niall walked to his car but stopped soon. 

     Perrie's car. It was different. It wasn't clean and shiny as always. It was dusty and had stains all over it. And some green objects were stuck on the wheels... leaves? He instinctively walked closer and looked inside. 


     He traced his fingers over the metal door and it felt cold and wet. Where the hell was Perrie? It felt fresh. He tried to peak again and without thinking what he was doing, broke the backseat window with his elbow. He looked around carefully and his eyes met one thing he didn't expect to find in Perrie's car.

     Liam's Batman necklace. 


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