Say What!?

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You wake up to an annoying alarm clock. Where am I what I am I doing here?

Thats when it hits you. You havent been on Earth for about 3 years. You are in the castle of lions and that alarm clock is Lance screaming outside your room.

"LANCE I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS. SHUT YOUR FACE HOLE!!!" You scream at the top of your lungs.

"Awwwww but (Y/N) its so fun annoying you!" Lance whines from behind the door.

You here foot steps and then a voice saying "Are you asking for a death wish Lance?"

You could recognize that voice anywhere it was Keith everyones favorite emo boi.And your best friend (along with Lance of course) and honestly all you were thinking was It is to early for this!

"Why dont both of you leave me the fuck alone to sleep?"you sleepily ask.

"(Y/N)its 1:00p.m. and pidge is looking for you."Keith says impatiently.

Oh, Pidge never asks for my help

You quickly hop out of bed and throw on (F/C) armor and open the door "Thanks LANCE for waking me up . Thank you Keith for telling me about  Pidge.

As you round the corner you can  see them immedetally start argueing.Again this time about a person.

Keith x Reader x Lance : Shes mine Where stories live. Discover now