"I'm just going to go from start to end but you're going to have to bare with me. It's not going to be easy for you to hear it okay?" Renae nods.

"I woke up in a cell or cage like thing. I could only see through the barred doors. I heard someone calling me. I tried to stand but I was to weak so I leaned against the side of the cell. Once I reached the door I saw Leona calling for me. Her hair was cut short and she had a gash on her leg. I looked around and saw rows and rows of cages. Everything was so bright. Leona was calling to me and I asked what was going on. what happened?" I look down.

"I has trouble remembering what happened and how we got there." I meet Renae's eyes Leona was eight years old and our sister. I wish you could've met her." I look back down, "she couldn't remember very well either but all she said was that she saw me covered and surrounded in blood. But the thing with that is I have always controlled my shifts and such. because at the time I was training the newbies so I was to show them restraint and control. But I didn't remember. When I tried to remember I'd get this pain in my head. A pulsing. The more I tried to remember the more it would pulse and pain would over come me. Eventually I passed out."

I look at Renae, "and I woke up to Shade unlocking the cage.... our uncle that we thought died..... he led me out of the cage and started leading me down the rows of cages to which had other people in them. We went into a room to which he strapped me down to a chair with blood around it. He wouldn't meet my eyes. But he never said a word and left without a word. I once again tried to remember and failed. I was slowly waking up when Cardinal slapped me. He kept questioning me about a princess. But at that time I didn't know what he was talking about. When I didn't answer him he resorted to tortured. he nearly slit my throat when I still didn't give him what he wanted but Kyle stopped him saying the General would make him wish he was dead if he killed me. He taunted me, threatening to hurt Leona. I wanted to shirt and rip him to shreds but thats what he wanted. A voice spoke in my head and said 'show no pain, for those who do harm take pleasure in your pain filled screams....'"

I shake my head, "eventually I passed out. And I started remembering what happened. I woke up to screams and saw that the hinters were attacking us. They had no reasons to do such. we were peaceful. So I went out and helped them lead the women help the children to the main pack house. After a while of fighting I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was surrounded by around forty men. Nyx's brother, Falcon, was leading them. I got cocky and charged at them, they pulled out guns but I didn't realize they had tranquilizers. I went down and I saw Leona on the second floor looking down at me and the Hunters were breaking into the house. I then woke again in chair again. They eventually put wolfsbane in me. Wolfsbane doesnt hurt me like others you see but it does weaken me a bit. Already being hurt wasnt helping the situation either. But then a man barges in saying their were intruders. So Kyle led me back to my cage, and he apologized and was saying he was helping me. I was being an asshole so I didnt really care or want to listen to it." 

I chuckle, "I saw a boy looking at me at me confused and a bit concerned. But once I was in my cell that boy spoke, asking me if i was okay. I ignored him, only saying their was no need to speak. Once I said that I was going to get me and my sister out he started doubting me and that made me angry. He then introduced himself as Chip and he was a Pagan. Leona called to me and Chip tried to call me Mac when I snapped at him. But Lee stopped me telling me to be nice. She hated how I acted like a soldier but she knows that, thats how I was raised. I never got the chance to be a normal kid. And now I was training and protecting the pack\clan. Then an explosion blows the ceiling and I'm blown to the back of my cage. I freak out and call to Lee, panicked." 

I sigh, "someone, Liam, he popped into my cell and I pinned him against the wall, once I did that I realized he was my mate. Asher, who came along with Liam, to help others escape flashed us or whatever its called out of the cell and I'm still holding Liam up by his throat. I thought mates made us weak, so I didn't want Liam. I denied the feeling, ignoring it. Chip told me to let him go, so i did because it seemed that he knew him. As weak as i was i was able to rip the door off of Leona's cage. Lee couldn't walk so i had to carry her. we got out without any trouble until we came upon Kyle and his partner. His partner takes out his gun and tries to shoot Kyle but i take the shot for him. aka i got shot in my side. but Kyle owes me, but we might be able to trust him. we came upon a witches house, her name was Chamomile. shes not really that bad. pretty smart, figured out what i was."

i shake my head with a chuckle and wink at Renae, "sorry its taking so long to explain. just hang in there. i passed out from blood loss but then after i got up i decided to slim Lee.' i smirk at the good memory, "she chased me and Chip out of the house but once i let her catch up to me i told her to head back when an intoxicating smell caught my attention but the closer i got to the smell i heard crying. i saw a naked girl, curled up in a ball, with scars all over her body. at first she was scared of me. but i put my sweater on her before she realized what was happening. and she was my mate. my second mate........" i look up and give Renae a sad smile, " and her name was Amy. when i brought her back to the house because she had gashes on her legs and was bleeding out. Liam got possessive and didn't want me to have another mate. after i refused to get rid of her, he ran off. Chip healed Amys legs. Amy slowly warmed up to me." i scowl but then look down a tear slowly going down my face.

i cough, "anyways i met Selene and Asher and some other guy at the mall after me and Selene fought. after that Nyx shows up and with the news of the royals being dead, that they were all dead... our people. after i was out more hunters came out of the woods. instead of protecting the royals, which was the main objective which would keep our people alive he decided to abandon them and try to save the children. i already had men in the house to protect them. but he didn't pay attention. i tried to kill Nyx after he told me, but i was stopped because Amy was looking at me in fear.... i ran off into the woods and just punched a tree none stop. even when my hands were torn up and bleeding. and then Nyx brought us to this school. saying we were going to high school, that we were also staying in the mansion behind it. Nyx said he wanted me to lead them... lead them against the Doomins, who are trying to kill us all."

i shrug, "i didn't want any part of it. it wasn't my place. at least at that time i didn't think it was. he said that no one else is stepping up. that i gave then courage when it was three hundred to one in a fight. then Selene and then were going to the school to and were also staying in the mansion as well. i also nearly killed Senrie. well burned him to a crisp while i just nearly squeezed Nyx to death. yada yada went to school that morning, then found you. Lynda is my guardian or protector, anything really i had to keep Chip from killing her. then i found out i was the princess. well you, me and Leona. our parents were the King and Queen. the moon goddess Selene and Luna the Luna of all werewolves, they came to me and told me take my place as the Queen of all supernaturals. to defend the supernaturals from the Doomins and everything that is evil. they didn't tell me why they chose me. they just did, i didn't want it, but it didn't seem i had any choice. so i had to do a ritual to become queen and once i didn't it, i got the mark on my arm." 

i raise it up to show Renae, "I'm not quite sure what it means. but it means something. and immediately after that Falcon comes and this is when i find out that he is Nyxs brother. Lee comes running to me and Falcon shoots her. her last words were, 'tell Renae i said hi, and i love her okay? ill always be with you Mac, i love you.' before she died in my arms. i tried to kill Falcon but Amy stopped me, she was a dragon shifter. along with something else i don't know. and i nearly kill her because all i saw was red. then i decided it was time to try to unit all the supernaturals." i look up to see Renae at a loss for words and chuckle. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The summery of the first book will continue in the next chapter.

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