Chapter Two

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"How was your first day?" Regina asked him once the halls outside became quiet.

The final bell of the day has finally rung and the children were all just picked up. For some reason, Regina ended up stalling her leave. She wanted to get a chance to talk to Robin a little. Her plans were to have her time with him during their lunch break but her coworkers had other plans. Ruby and Belle ended up stealing her away before she had the chance to say Robin's name.

"It wasn't that bad. You're a good teacher to be partnered up with. I look forward to being with you this year," Robin said as he closed his laptop.

Regina was blushing too hard when he said that. She was trying to distract herself by playing with the pens in the cup at the corner of her desk. The blue pen was always her favorite one to write with. Now when she looked at it she was reminded of the blue tint in Robin's eyes. She looked back up at him and smiled.

"I didn't think I was that great of a teacher today. I know I'll break down before midterms hit. These kids just drive me absolutely crazy," she told him with a little laugh.

"I think you're just exaggerating, Ms.Mills. I can't imagine you as anything less than perfect and I just met you."

He needed to stop saying stuff like that for the sake of Regina's cheeks. They were growing a darker shade of red by the second. She wasn't sure if she liked all of the good attention from him or not. Maybe Robin was just one of those guys who complimented everyone just to be nice. He was just being nice to her. He shouldn't like her.

"Aren't you good for my ego. I might just have to keep you around," she told him with a wink before she heard a knock at their door. "Henry?"

She saw the little boy standing in front of the doorway. He's grown a few inches over the summer and that made her heart swell up. He was a fast and growing boy and she had missed it all. Henry was a student that she had last year and she had to go through great lengths to help him out. He didn't have the best home situation and Regina just wanted to take him home with her. They would watch all of his favorite superhero movies and eat candy until they were sick.

"Can I come in?" He asked her and Regina nodded her head as she stood up to come greet him.

She rushed over to him and hugged him as tightly as she could. He was laughing about how hard she was hugging him but she didn't really care. She could still hear him breathing against her chest, strong and healthy. She really missed this little boy.

"Mr.Humbert looks quite different," Henry joked as he looked over at Robin.

"I'm sorry," she said as she let go of Henry to turn to Robin, a stupid grin on his face. "Henry, this is Mr.Locksley and he's the new teacher I'm working with. Robin, this is Henry. He's my favorite student from last year when I taught seventh."

"It's nice to meet you, Henry. I hope to see you around more," he said as he smiled. He had this look on his face that was aimed at Regina and that made her a little uneasy.

"When can you come see me this week? I like when we have our little chats," she asked him as she tried to forget about the look that Robin gave her.

"Wednesdays, Mom works late so she won't be mad," Henry told her and she nodded as she kissed the top of his head.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll bring the snacks and you bring the book," Regina told him before she messed up her hair a little. "Go home before you get in trouble."

"Yes, Ms.Mills! See you tomorrow," he told her before he walked to the door. "Bye Mr.Locksley." Robin waved at the young boy before he left and Regina returned back to her desk.

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